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The city of Omashu was bathed in light during the morning, making for an excellent vision to see the moment someone woke up, but at the time, Zuko would have preferred if he hadn't stayed that long to witness the morning in Omashu. As he headed to the throne room where he had decided with his friends they'd meet, he knew he wasn't at fault for their delay. Even if he had tried, he couldn't have done anything to speed up their travel.

Toph had come with King Bumi during the evening and by that point, dinner was about to be served. Even after Suki and Zuko had explained the situation to them, most of them were reluctant to leave Omashu just yet. He eventually gave in and they stayed the whole night, given that they would leave the next morning as soon as possible. When Zuko got in the throne room, everyone was already there.

"Here he comes," Toph called out with a wide smile as he walked over to them, an eyebrow slightly raised as he noticed the grapes all of his friends were eating.

"You should try the grapes, Zuko," Aang grinned as he shoved a bunch of grapes in front of his face. "I don't know where they found them but they're the best!"

Zuko was hesitant to take the grapes as he exchanged a look with Suki who was eating her own grapes with a smile on her painted lips that could only mean she was satisfied by their taste. Less wary now, he reached for the grapes, took some and tried them. He wasn't disappointed.

"We'll be leaving in a few minutes," Suki spoke up, ignoring Sokka beside her who was throwing grapes at Toph's mouth.

Zuko ignored them as well as he nodded, "We should make a plan, then."

"We should," Katara agreed as Aang sat down beside Toph excitedly and the two took turns catching the grapes Sokka threw at them in an effort to not let anything touch the ground.

"I don't know where she has gone," Zuko murmured, his grapes abandonded as he allowed Aang's laughter in the background to fade. "She could be anywhere in the Earth Kingdom."

Suki nodded in agreement. "Did she have anything with her other than her sword?"

"Not that I know of. No means of transportation once she got to the Earth Kingdom."

"That doesn't mean she couldn't have found any," Katara pointed out as she exchanged a look with Suki. "And I don't think she could have gone to Kyoshi island or anywhere near the Fire Nation."

"Exactly," Suki agreed as she leaned forward towards Zuko conspiratorially. "She did write you that letter but there's no way she believes you haven't followed after her. She'll try to get away from Kyoshi island and the Fire Nation so she can hide."

"There are too many places, though," Katara frowned, "she could be anywhere and we might never find her."

In the background, Suki could hear Sokka's yelling, "Do a backflip and catch it, Aang!"

"Twinkletoes isn't an acrobat, Sokka!"

She ignored them as she turned to Zuko. "She needs a place where we won't think of going. She can hide easily and blend in."

He nodded slowly as his eyes widened. "What better place to hide in but a huge city where hundreds of people come in every day?"

Suki's eyes widened as Katara seemed to be catching on to his line of thought. "Ba Sing Se."

"You really think she would go there?" Katara questioned softly. "After all you've told us last night I'd think it's tough for her to think of the times she spent in Ba Sing Se. Why would she willingly go there again?"

"It's the perfect hiding spot," Suki explained, "no one will think twice about her being there and she also knows the city. It's the obvious answer."

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