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The day was a pleasant one and for once, in light of the celebration for the Avatar's win coming closer, Homura and her friends decided to not fight during the morning. Instead, they gathered together in a part of the garden and just sat there, relaxing and doing anything that kept them entertained.

Toph was sitting on a throne of earth she had built for herself and moved around the garden while sitting on her moving throne, laughing as she went quicker and quicker in circles around them, surprisingly enough, managing to not get dizzy or fall off. Sokka and Suki sat next to each other against a tree, Suki's head resting on his shoulder as they spoke to themselves in soft tones. Ty Lee and Homura on the other hand had found another way to keep themselves entertained.

"Do it again," Homura asked for the millionth time that day as she straightened up. Ty Lee relented with a grin.

She stood on her hands, seeing the world upside down as she started walking, her feet dangling in front of her loosely. She completely ignored Toph's ecstatic yelling in the distance as she kept walking upside down for a few more meters and then, she brought her feet forward so they were touching the ground and quickly straightened up.

"That got me a bit dizzy," she admitted with a wide smile, a hand raising to the side of her head. She recovered soon enough as she turned to Homura with a wide smile. "Your turn!"

Homura nodded, her jaw set in determination. She reached down and planted her hands on the ground firmly. With a small push of her legs, she stood on her hands, her legs dangling in front of her. She moved slightly forward when she realised she was losing control. She moved quicker in order to keep up with her rapidly failing body. She didn't succeed. Her legs fell in front of her soon enough and she winced as she turned to the side in an effort to not sprain anything. She didn't have Ty Lee's flexibility.

"I can't do it," she huffed as she slowly pushed herself up, picking a few leaves off of her hair as she did so. "I accept defeat."

"You just need more practice," Ty Lee sent her an encouraging smile. "It took me years to get to do this."

"No way, I'll never get as good as you," she shook her head, just as she heard a child's laugh in the distance. She instantly turned to that direction, only for her eyes to widen.

Kiyi was on a throne of earth and heading right towards them, Toph on her own throne right after her. Both of them were laughing as they got closer in a rapid pace before they started to slow down. Kiyi's throne stopped right in front of Homura.

"Kiyi," she smiled over at her, "did you get here alone?"

"No, I was with Zuko," she grinned. "He was too slow, though."

"We left him behind," Toph cheered as she high-fived Kiyi. The girl giggled as she jumped off of the throne.

"Thank you, Toph."

"It's my pleasure," she smiled one last time before turning away. She zoomed over to Sokka and Suki just as they were about to kiss and flopped down in front of them. "What are you two doing with innocent eyes so close?!"

Homura barely managed to stiffle her laughter as she grabbed Kiyi's hand gently and sat down next to Ty Lee. The girl followed her moves.

"Don't you think Zuko will be concerned you left like that?" she asked softly as she motioned to her to turn around. She did.

"No. He saw me leaving with Toph. He knows where I am."

Homura ran her hands through the girl's dark hair with a small hum. "How are you sure he knows where you are?"

"Toph and I raced him here," she explained with a small giggle. "We won."

Ty Lee stopped in front of the girl with a wide smile. "Do you want to see what I can do?"

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