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A man ran out of the theatre as quickly as he could, sending beams of fire at those pursuing him. The Avatar and the Fire Lord were after him, both of them appearing furious at the moment. He narrowly missed a gust of wind and he had to duck to avoid the wave of flames heading right towards him. He turned down a narrow alley, almost losing his footing as he ran, and came to a stop in the end of it. His pursuers came to a stop as well just as about a dozen people fell from the roofs around the houses, circling them. They were trapped.

The Avatar and the Fire Lord took a defensive stance as they looked around at the number of their enemies, ready to attack. They didn't have the chance to do anything, though.

The ground around them crumbled.

Their enemies were sank in the soil, unable to get out, and at once, Aang and Zuko straightened up as Toph appeared, Suki and Ty Lee beside her. Toph marched to the man they had been in pursuit before.

"Why do you want to kill the Fire Lord?"

His lips formed a cruel smile as he looked up at Toph and took in a deep breath. Zuko hardly had the time to pull her away before fire got out of his mouth, almost burning her face. The man stopped and laughed as Toph stayed behind Zuko, stunned.

"You won't be laughing when you see where you are going."

They snapped their attention to the figure that appeared in the end of the street. She walked with guards all around her, her lips pursed, her jaw set, her arms brought forward, hidden in the sleeves of her scarlet and black robes. She stopped beside Zuko and briefly turned to face him.

"I'm going to take them to the prison. They'll be ready for you by tomorrow."

Toph moved her foot slightly and at once, they sprang free. Before they had the chance to make a move, she brought her hands forward, the shackles the guards had been holding rushing to each one of them, wrapping around their arms and feet at once. With her work done and the criminals subdued, Toph straightened up once more. Mai turned to face her with wide eyes, stunned as she witnessed her bend metal, but in the end, she sent her a nod before turning to the one who had breathed fire, once more composed. She briefly turned to one of the guards.

"Put a muzzle on him."

Zuko turned to her with a brief nod and without hesitation, he whirled around and made his way back to the theatre, his friends following after him. It wasn't long before Suki spoke up.

"Katara and Sokka are with her."

"We'll be going back to the house tonight and tomorrow we'll go to the capital," he spoke up as he shared a nod with Aang. "I'd say we leave now but I suspect Homura shouldn't be transported much tonight."

"Katara's with her, Zuko," Aang reminded him, "she'll be alright."

"I know that," he shook his head with a sigh as he turned to Suki walking in the back beside Ty Lee, appearing more worried than any other time he had seen her. He stopped walking, getting into step beside her. "Thank you. You saved my life."

"There was gas in our stand, we were drugged," she shook her head with a sigh, "I should have realised something was wrong."

"Suki, we were all there, it's not your fault," Ty Lee murmured as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It is. One of my warriors is injured and Zuko almost got killed."

"I would have been dead if it weren't for you. I owe you my life."

Suki shook her head once more and without a word walked quicker, leaving Zuko and Ty Lee behind. The two exchanged a look as they followed after the rest to the theatre. The moment they got inside, they were approached by Ursa.

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