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Currently sat alone with a bottle to herself, Rosa was feeling bubbly. Her legs bumped along to the beat of the other Gladers chanting and hitting on the pans from the canteen. She had her new watch on one wrist and a whole bottle of whatever Gally had given to her, as payment for his new tools, in the other hand.

She watched as the Gladers chucked danced around a burning, wooden statue in the middle of the Glade that the builders had made especially for tonight. She tried to hide her smile as she watched them, but caught the wandering eye of Alby. His lips curled into a smirk to show his smile as he held onto his own bottle, Rosa smiled back at him before Alby nodded his head in a direction behind him as if asking her to join him on a walk. She reluctantly nodded before getting up, almost falling over Chuck's foot in the process. He sent her an apologetic smile as he turned around to watch Gally and another Glader fight in the pit.

She jogged to catch up with him before slowing down at his side with her arms crossed over her chest to keep warm, he spoke up first, "Why aren't you joining in? I was hoping that you would, like old times."

She laughed slightly before seeing how his eyes carried a serious tone in them, "It isn't the same, Alby. When it was just you, me and George, I could be myself. But after he died it was never the same, it will never be the same."

He nodded slightly, "Well, I was hoping that you could at least help the Newbie out? Show him the ropes, find him a job and teach him the rules. I know that you have a lot on your plate with-"

She interrupted him, "I am looking for a way out, Alby. I can't be the Greenie's personal tutor as well."

He sighed, turning to her, "That is what the Runners are for, Minho and Ben, they have it sorted."

"No one has been here longer than me, I know what I am doing," she scoffed, "I'm going back to the party before you ask me to do something else."

She walked away, passing the Greenie and Newt as she did. The Greenie, looked up at her as she passed, he went to open his mouth to say something before Newt stopped him.

"It's no use, Newbie, she hasn't spoken to any of us lot in over two years," he stated, "Everyone here has tried to get her to talk, but she won't."

"Why is she the only girl here? Why doesn't she talk? Why was she in the maze, I thought Runners were the only-" he asked, his mind filling up with questions that he couldn't hold in anymore.

"She was the first Glader, she has been here the longest. No one knows why Rosa won't talk and she practically made the rules, she can break them if she wants," he laughed, drinking more of his drink, "No one here would dare to tell her no, she is the closest to finding a way out. Or so Alby tells us."

Greenie opened his mouth to say something, only to be cut off again. "I swear, no more questions." They both got up as Newt began to show him around. Newt pointed at the different groups that had banded off into different areas of the gathering, telling him who they are and what the did.

Only for Gally to fall into the Newbie as he did so.

Everyone began to chant Greenie, even more, trying to get him and Gally to fight. Rosa heard Chuck laughing and begin to join in, so she nudged him to stop. Knowing that the Greenie didn't stand a chance, Gally was the reigning champion of the fighting pit. Chuck gave her a quick 'sorry' before shutting his mouth and watching the scene unfold from a distance.

After Gally explained the rules, she watched as he pushed the Greenie into a few of the other Gladers and then push him into the sand below them. The Greenie coughed up sand that had got into his mouth as Gally whiled him up, calling him 'shank'.

The Greenie got up, beginning to wrestle Gally as he did so, but only to be thrown down once more. But he wouldn't give up. So he jumped up, attacking Gally and throwing him on the floor with a hard shove. The Gladers around them were in shock, even Rosa.

As the Greenie looked pleased with himself, Gally kicked his legs out beneath him, causing the Newbie's head to bounce off the sand with a loud thud. He looked up, dazed and confused until his face dropped as if something came to him. Something important. The Greenie got up, muttering something under his breath. His voice got louder and louder until he was practically shouting "Thomas."

Everyone began to circle Thomas, clapping and hitting his back. The Gladers all laughed and cheered with joy, today was the day that a new Glader joined. And his name was Thomas.

Rosa watched from afar, her head buried in her jar of alcohol before the Grievers roared, silencing the Gladers. She stood up, chills rolling down her back.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas had asked, his face full of fear and shock.

"That, my friend, was a Griever," Gally sighed, turning to face Thomas and the other Gladers, "Don't worry. You're safe here with us. Nothing gets through those walls."

Rosa made eye contact with Chuck and Alby, Thomas watched the three interact. She signed to them both 'Nothing gets out either.' Thomas made eye contact with Rosa, she looked him up and down with a glare before turning and walking away.

The next day, Rosa had cut a few of the wild roses from their branches. She usually did this the day after a new Glader arrived, because it reminded her of what she had lost, one of the main things being George.

George was the third Glader to arrive, after Alby and Rosa. The three of them were inseparable seeming as all they had was each other. They would go into the maze together, hunt together, farm together and even party together. There was not a single thing that they wouldn't do without each other. Of course, it all changed when George was bit by a Griever trying to save Rosa from its attack.

Rosa had been distraught for several days after George's funeral. The service was silent as they had buried him in the woods with a hand-carved tombstone that was nothing more than a plank of wood with his name. She only wished that she could have helped George, or done something more. But she was helpless in this Maze.

So as she walked to George's grave, she found it weird to overhear another voice. Alby stopped visiting soon after his death, the other Glader's hardly knew George seeming as no one wanted to talk about his demise. She had no idea who could be visiting his grave, especially with it being a busy day for work.

Rosa carefully snuck through the forest, ducking behind trees to stay hidden from sight and watching her feet to avoid stepping on a twig, or anything that would give away that she was there. She watched, from a distance, as Thomas crouched above George's gravestone. His eyes widened as he looked around to see bones and carcasses of animals, in reality, Rosa had no idea who would put them there in the first place.

But just as Thomas was getting up to leave, Ben was in his way. He looked feverish; sweat dripping down his head, skin as white as clouds yet his eyes were red and prominent. Rosa had two initial thoughts, either he had the flu, or he was bitten by a Griever. And she hoped it was not the latter.

As Thomas tried to communicate with Ben by asking if he was okay, he attacked. An unsuspecting Thomas was thrown to the floor with a thud and his hands held in a tight grip at his sides as he called for help. Ben blamed him for things that were unknown to Rosa, his voice was now loud and daunting.

Rosa threw her roses to the floor and ran into action, she tackled Ben off Thomas as she landed on top of him with a grunt. The two fumbled around, Rosa having to stop him from getting up and attacking Thomas, who was still recovering from being thrown. She ended up pinning him down with her hands holding one of his arms behind his head whilst the other tried to grasp at her neck.

He started to growl at her, but instead, Rosa turned to Thomas as Ben's hand finally gripped her throat tightly; "Run!" she tried to scream at him, nothing more than a wheeze escaping.


slightly shorter chapter, but I hope you guys enjoy it!

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now