thirty one.

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As soon as the bag came off Teresa's head, Rosa was insecure. She regretted allowing Thomas alone with Gally to capture her, she had no idea what they talked about. Rosa was always so insecure when it came to the other girl and she was sick of how she felt, it was petty.

But now she had the upper hand, Rosa was above Teresa in every sense in that room. She had the authority. But as soon as Teresa's eyes stuck onto Rosa's face, every inch of power faded away into nothing. She was back to her old insecure self, it was only a matter of time before she lashed out on someone.

"Gally?" the name fell off her lips with confusion and shock dripping in every letter.

Yet he wasn't having any of it, "Here's how this is gonna go, we're going to ask you some questions and you're going to tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start out simple, where's Minho?"

Gally dragged a chair across to where Teresa was tied up before her eyes immediately went to look at Thomas, "You guys don't seriously think-"

"Don't look at him," he interrupted her quickly, the chair slamming to the ground loudly to emphasis his point, "Why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you. Now, we know that you have Minho in the building, where?"

Teresa looked down momentarily though her eyes drifted to Rosa and her brother who leaned on the very chair she sat on, her brows furrowed before Gally clicked his fingers in her face to gain her attention, "He's with the others in holding. Sublevel 3."

"How many others?" Newt asked from beside Rosa, he sat between her and Thomas as her leg bounced up and down.

"28," Teresa answered reluctantly.

"I can make that work," Brenda muttered from behind the others, her and Jorge playing with a deck of cards lightly between them.

Teresa perked up in her chair, "No, you guys don't understand, that whole level is restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID-"

In her mind, Rosa was swirling with ideas or how she could bypass the system with just a copy of Teresa's print and access to a computer, but Thomas had other ideas.

"That's why you are coming with us," he muttered, sparing a glance to Rosa for a split second but continued to play with his thumbs, all his attention going to his hands.

"Well, I don't know. We don't necessarily need her, right?" Gally stood up and swirled his chair out of the way before taking a knife off the table, "At least not all of her, we just need her finger."

"Gally-" Thomas tried to protest, "Back off."

"What? Are you squeamish?" he replied and continued to step forward to Teresa, fear plastered over her face.

"Hold your horses," Rosa stood up from her chair, startling her brother, "If you guys can get me a computer, I can bypass the mainframe with her fingerprint and get you guys a keycard with the exact same data in to get you through any door in the building, if that's okay with you?" she directed her last words at Thomas, a single brow raised up.

"She is here and we have come this far, we might as well just take her-" he started with his eyes looking up to his girlfriend at her sudden outburst, she simply scoffed before turning.

"Of course," she remarked and pulled her chair to sit by Brenda, "Whatever you want, Thomas."

He stood in disbelief, the past almost eight months with Rosa had been almost perfect, nothing had gone wrong between them despite what they had been through. And they had been through a lot. They had always managed to find a way to use each other as their anchor and work past it all, but it was always different when Teresa was involved.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now