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Ava Paige sauntered into the conference room, her employees already waiting around the black, glass table. She was wearing the same white coat from the video that the Gladers had just watched and fake blood dripped down her temple before she wiped it away and placed the napkin on the table.

"I think it's safe to say that the Maze Trials were a complete success. I wasn't expecting so many survivors, but, the more, the merrier. Thomas continues to surprise and impress. And for now, they seem to have taken the bait. It's too soon to say, but they could be the key to everything. So let's move forward. It's time now to begin Phase Two."

One of the employees put their hand up, "And what of the girl?"

"Teresa?" Ava Paige asked, taking her coat off with the help of someone behind her.

"No, your daughter. Rosa," they replied, swallowing a lump in their throat.

Ava smiled and turned to look out of her window that towered over the city below, "She is the key to it all, she just doesn't know it yet. No harm is to be inflicted on her willingly, when possible, it needs to be avoided. She could take this all down without hesitation, here is to hoping she won't."

They all nodded as Dr Paige looked down, guilt flowing through her veins as she thought about putting her daughter in the Maze where she experienced so much loss and pain while she was forced to watch. But it was the only option that ended with her having a chance of survival. Her daughter reminded her so much of Rosa's father. She didn't want to lose all that she had left of him.

It was no secret that Rosa was the key to WICKED and its goal, she had the key in her blood, and it wasn't long until she used it against them.

After all, it is only the end of Phase One. Phase Two was only going to be worse.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now