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Rosa watched as the boys pulled on one of the legs to pull the Griever out of the wall, she would have helped if there was enough room to grab onto the leg of the creature. So she enjoyed watching them all fall over and get covered in the same slime that painted the walls. As the boys  fell over, the leg detached from the body.

Minho picked, what appeared to be, an organ of some sorts off the floor. Rosa could see the metal within it as Minho put his hand in to pull it out; "Interesting.." he muttered.

"Okay, whatever it is, can we take this up back at the Glade? 'Cause I don't want to meet this guy's friends," Frypan defended, clearly getting anxious as he kept looking over his shoulders.

All of them nodded, starting to jog their way back to the Glade to talk about what they had just found.

When they had returned, Rosa went straight to the infirmary to be with Alby. She hated being there, but he needed someone to care for him because Jeff and the other med-jacks were terrified of Alby potentially attacking them. So there she sat, next to an unconscious Alby as he was tied down to the table. She could see the wound on his chest with the same purple veins as George and Ben both had.

The sweats had started hours ago and his temperature was climbing, she found herself dipping the towel in cold water and placing it on his head carefully.

Rosa fell, her whole body smacking against the wall of the small hut she had made for the Glade centre. She looked up to see George advancing on her once more with the same look in his eyes that she had seen many times in the past, hatred and the thirst for revenge. She called out for help, hoping that Alby or Newt would come and help her.

She got no reply.

Rosa stood up, picking up a plank of wood in the process and used it to defend herself, ever since she and George had come back from the Maze that day, he had been acting strange. As she watched him advance on her, she could see the blood soaking through his shirt on his stomach.

Her head shot up at the sound of shouting outside the infirmary, Rosa made sure Alby was okay before leaving the room with the thought of George's Changing on her mind.

She ran out just in time to see Gally get a tomato to the head and Thomas arrive with the runners behind him. More produce was thrown at the Gladers from the top of the tower and feminine shouts could be heard, "Leave me alone!"

Rosa and Thomas ran up to Newt, "What happened?"

Newt looked out from the wood that he was using to cover his head with a huge grin on his face, clearly finding the whole situation amusing, "I don't think she likes us very much."

The feminine voice came again from the top of the tower, "What do you want from me?"

"Hey, look, we just want to talk," Thomas shouted up.

Only to be met with a rock thrown at him, "I'm warning you," she replied.

Frypan began to walk around with a pot covering his head, "Take cover, y'all. Take cover."

Rosa decided to step in, "Hey! Look we won't hurt you-" she used the wooden cover that Gally had in his hands to cover from a potato being thrown at her head, watching as it hit Gally in the stomach with a small laugh before realising that it was supposed to hit her, "Hey, shuck! Hit me one more time and I'll come up there and show you how its done!"

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now