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It was not long at all before Gally had sent his men to collect Teresa and 'unconscious' Thomas and Rosa. Two of the builders had held either of her arms over their shoulders as she was draped over them, with her feet dragging behind her. Rosa had to try her hardest not to wince or call out in pain as they caused her bruise to ache and sting.

Just by looking at the ground behind the safety of her hair, she knew that they had arrived at the entrance of the Maze. Or one of them. She heard a thud as Thomas was thrown to the ground, yet they still held onto Rosa.

"This is such a waste," Gally muttered, his eyes roaming over the three that he was about to sacrifice to the Grievers in hopes that the rest of Glade would be spared.

"Gally," Winston called out as he approached, "It doesn't feel right man."

Jeff too spoke up, "Yeah, what if Thomas is right? Maybe he can lead us home. Rosa has been here since the start, and you turn on her now?"

Gally scoffed, stepping forward several paces, "We are home. Okay? I don't want to have to cross any more names off that wall."

Rosa could hear Teresa's muffled voice; "You really think that banishing us is going to solve anything?"

"No. But this isn't a banishing. It's an offering," Gally corrected.

Teresa's eyes widened, "Wait! What? Gally, what are you doing?" she shouted, her arms were tied above her head to a post in the ground.

"You really think I'm gonna let Thomas back into the Maze after what he has done?" Teresa gasped in pain as the ropes tightened around her wrists, "Look around you! Look at our Glade. This is the only way. And when the Grievers get what they came here for, everything goes back to the way it was."

"Are you listening to this?" Teresa gasped, looking at the Gladers with a guilty stare, "Why are you all just standing there? He's crazy."

"Shut up!" Gally shouted.

"If you stay here," she continued, "The Grievers are going to come back. They are going to come back, and they're going to keep coming back until you're all dead."

"Shut up!" he shouted again, now pointing at Thomas and then Rosa, "Tie them up. Do you hear me? I said tie them up!"

Rosa waited for the queue, which was Thomas starting to attack the Gladers that held him down. When she heard them grunt, Rosa elbowed one of the men holding her and headbutted the other as hard as she could, ringing sounded in her head as her temple throbbed in pain. Rosa pulled the machete from his sheath, which was actually hers, and held it at them as she backed up to where Thomas and Newt were.

Frypan cut Teresa lose, Minho held his weapon at Gally and Chuck ran towards then, holding all of the bags, including the box that Rosa had told him to retrieve from her campsite. Glader turned on Glader, weapons pointing at each other as they waited to attack or flee.

Gally looked stunned, "You're full of surprises, aren't you?"

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving," Thomas started, his spear pointed at them.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now