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Brenda called out for Rosa to help and she did or tried to. "Take my hand, Brenda!" she screamed, reaching closer to her friend as she and the Crank rolled around on the breaking glass.

The girl managed to kick the Crank away from her and crawl to Rosa's stretched out hand, only for it to not connect with her own. "Watch out!" Thomas called as the Crank attacked Brenda once more and straddled her.

Thomas struggled to keep Rosa held in his hands as he tried to pull on a metal pole to use to help them save Brenda. Rosa shook her head with panic and let go of her fellow Glader's hand to slide down the stone and join Brenda at her side, just as Thomas managed to free the metal and pass down to the brunette.

The rotting Crank jumped once more and attacked Brenda's leg, making her let out a cry of pain as she clung onto Rosa's open hand. Rosa let out a battle cry and hit the glass with the metal, watching as it shattered into thousands upon thousands of shards and rained down on the Scorch below them.

Rosa held onto Brenda's arm as she dangled from the frame of the building, Rosa being the only thing that kept her suspended. It was obvious that the girl struggled to hold both of them weight up to stop them from falling. Therefore making Thomas slide down to their aid and pull them both away from the ledge.

Once all three of them safely had both of their feet on the flooring of the room, which was actually a wall, Rosa let out a loud huff of air. "That was close, too close. We can't risk it again so we should keep moving," she ranted, pulling her hair up into a high ponytail to keep out of her face, "Are you okay, Brenda?"

She weakly nodded whilst keeping her hand on her heart to feel the prominent thumping in her chest. Thomas nodded at them both, rubbing Rosa's arm slightly before pointing to a side exit that opened into a flight of stairs going down. They all set off once again, not looking back.

"We can get down here, come on," he informed as they began to descend down the stairs and into an empty alleyway. They had continued on in silence until Brenda stopped walking to sit on the pavement, "You alright?" Thomas asked and took a few steps back.

Rosa crouched down to be at the same level as Brenda as she pulled up her trouser leg, blood already having soaked through the jeans. After her leg was revealed, it was obvious to see the bite mark on her lower calf and the bruising that surrounded it. "Shit," Rosa and Brenda uttered at the same time.

Brenda was about to treat her leg with some fabric from the floor but was stopped when Rosa pulled a bandage from her bag, she began to wrap her new friend's injured leg in silence whilst Thomas spoke up again, "Brenda-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know," she interrupted before letting out a loud wince as too much pressure was applied to the wound, Rosa felt nothing but sympathy for Brenda and finished tying the bandage. Brenda had given her the last of the morphine, and now guilt formed in the bottom of her stomach. "Let's just go find Marcus."

The small girl began to lead the two Gladers through the alley that opened into a much larger street filled with people, actual people. They seemed to be going about with their daily routine, sleeping in tents, feeding each other and conversing as a community. They were so open and exposed in the street, Rosa's mind couldn't help but drift to the idea of them so easily getting attacked by Cranks.

"Just blend in," Brenda stated as she once again took the lead of the group and left Thomas to take Rosa's hand in his own and to kindly pull her along. She gave him a weak smile before following him, her eyes still roaming around.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now