twenty four.

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Rosa had stumbled out of Vince's tent, her eyes still watery from the news. Her brother was alive. After years of assuming he was dead, he wasn't. Nick was somewhere out there, doing good by working with the Right Arm to keep as many immunes out of the hands of WICKED. She was beyond excited to finally find him. To finally reconnect with her brother.

Newt limped beside her, "Rosie? Why are you crying? Are you okay?"

She nodded, a smile forming on her lips, "Nick, my brother, he is alive. He works with a different Right Arm outpost near where we are headed."

He chuckled and brought her in for a hug, "I told you that everything was going to work out just fine-"

As if on cue, helicopter whirring sounded through the dessert. Lights shining down from the sky at the camp, nearing them with every passing second. Rosa's eyes went wide, "Is that a-"

A loud blasting cut her off, an explosive firing from the aircraft and towards the tent beside the pair of Gladers as they walked. Rosa barely had time to react, causing Newt to pull her sharply aside in a slight tackle to avoid getting hit. They both landed with a sharp thud, their ears ringing.

Rosa looked up, her face covered in sand as a drop of blood slide down her face from above her eye, Newt sporting a similar wound to his cheek. They had no time to recover before being pulled up by Marie, a gun shoved into her arms as she was still unresponsive, not being able to hear anything but ringing and screaming.

Minho and Frypan came running towards the three, dragging the Gladers behind several oil kegs, which was not the best option due to all the explosive erupting around them and heavy gunfire. "Where's Thomas?" Minho asked, snapping Rosa out of her current state.

Rosa caught the eyes of Vince, running to him and Harriet, still in a state on shock. "Rosa!" Frypan called out, chasing after her with Minho and Newt hot on his tail.

"How can we help?" she asked, Vince now staring at her eye wound before going back to concentrating on his aim.

"Cover me!" he called out, reloading the large machine hun he had been firing. Rosa nodded before aiming the rifle at a WICKED soldier and firing, sending him to the ground. She reloaded it, firing it once more. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Teresa run around medic tent; which had just gone up in flames.

She cursed at her loudly, calling her a 'shucking klunk' before dodging the WICKED electrical bullets that had been firing at her and running to her. All of the anger that had been building up within since the Maze finally starting to explode out of her, the memories from four years ago resurfacing. 

There she was, Teresa. Rosa felt a growl almost rise in her throat as she tackled the betrayer, landing on the sand as they squirmed around. Rosa got the upper hand, pinning Teresa down.

"Why!?" She screamed at her, "Why do you feel the need to ruin everything good?"

Teresa struggled, "There are people out there Rosa that need out help! Open your eyes and all you will see are people affected by this fucking disease, we can help them! One life could save hundreds!"

"I remember you telling me about your mom, and I am sorry. I really am. But you are willing to kill an innocent child so that someone else can live? That's twisted and cruel, you sound like Ava!"

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now