twenty nine.

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Rosa looked up to meet Thomas' worried eyes, his hands immediately holding her chin so that he could check for any wounds on the back of her head. Relieved that he only found a Solon bump at the base of her skull, yet still angry that they had injured her in the first place. 

Jorge calmed down once Brenda assured him that she was right there with him and that she was fine, all of them finally acknowledging the guards and their guns aimed at them. Marie joined Brenda and Jorge, all of them not knowing what was going on.

"Everyone relax, we're all on the same side here!" one of the masked men shouted out, his voice muffled by his mask. 

Thomas pushed one of the guards away as he tried to grab Rosa and pull her away from him, "What do you mean the same side? Who the hell are you?"

There was a long silence along with them all, no one daring to move or speak. But the man who was clearly in charge of the current situation pulled his mask from his face to reveal a someone Rosa never wanted to see again. Someone who she had pushed so far out of her mind in order to stay sane and not reminded of the events about seven months ago that left her scarred. Just as she had finally managed to build her life back together piece by piece, his face managed to rip it all down again within a second.

It was Gally.

The same person who had shot Chuck dead, the one who had injured Rosa and the one who was willing to sacrifice them as Griever bait. Gally had not only stole Chuck away from her that day, but he also stole her sanity.

"Hey, Greenie," he spoke. Out of an infinite range of phrases he could have picked to say, he went with that. She doubted herself, why would she even expect an apology after all these months?

"Gally?" Thomas breathed out questioningly, still not believing it.

Rosa felt Newt and Frypan stare over at her with sympathy and worry, they had no idea what she was about to do or even if she was about to do anything at all. But they had to be the one to stop her if she did. 

Thomas suddenly punched Gally across the face, sending him flying back onto the floor. He gripped him by the scruff of the shirt and was about to go for it again but Newt was already at his side stopping him. All around the room guns were now aimed at Thomas.

"Stop it. Stop," Newt almost shouted at Thomas, still grasping his fist tightly to stop him from attacking Gally and making a scene. 

"He killed Chuck."

"Yeah, I know. I remember," Newt persuaded, "I was there too, okay? I also remember he was stung and half out of his mind. Just calm down. All right?"

Frypan joined Newt and placed his hand on Thomas' shoulder, making him jump back hesitantly and joining the others behind him.

Gally stood up and rubbed his jaw, "I kinda had that coming. Anybody else? Fry? Newt? Rosa-"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact," within seconds she held the smaller pistol that she had hidden in her boot in her hand firmly, aiming it at Gally. The guns in the room shifted to her just as quickly as Thomas joined her side. Newt's mouth fell open. He had guessed that she would have done something, but not that.

"Hey, Rosa-" Thomas started at the same time as Frypan.

"No! Why should he get to live if Chuck doesn't?" she asked and stepped closer to him, as the guns clicked into position to show that they weren't afraid to shoot. But Rosa didn't care, if she was going down she was taking Gally with her.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now