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Rosa had pushed her way to the front of the group, "Has he said anything?" she asked, her eyes set on Alby who sat upright on the bed, facing away from the group of Gladers that now filled the infirmary room. Teresa shook her head carefully.

Newt approached him carefully, sitting down on the bed. "Alby? Alby, are you alright?" The room was silent, nobody dared to speak or move as Alby blinked away the tears in his eyes and continued to stare at the wall in front of him with no emotion.

Rosa and Thomas made eye contact, he decided to follow Newt and crouch on the floor next to Alby; "Hey, Alby," there was another awkward silence, "Alby, we might have just found a way out of the maze. Do you hear me? We could be getting out of here."

But Alby shook his head slowly, "We can't. We can't leave," his lips shook with fear, "They won't let us."

Rosa looked confused, "What are you talking about, Al?"

"I remember," he spoke up, causing the Gladers to turn and look at on another.

"What do you remember?" Thomas asked, edging closer to him.

Alby turned to face Thomas, "You." He then turned to face Rosa, tears flowing freely from his eyes; "And you." He swallowed, "You were always their favourite, the both of you. Always."

Rosa could feel tears threating to spill from her eyes, it hurt to see Alby in so much pain like this. She turned around when she could hear the Gladers shouting from outside the infirmary. But Alby wasn't finished; "Why did you do this? Why did you come here?" Alby started to sob as he hid his head in his hands and rocked ever so slightly back and forth.

The group ran outside, bumping into Winston. "Winston, what's going on?" Thomas asked, his eyes roaming over the Glade.

"The doors, they aren't closing," was all he said before he followed a few of the other boys to the Maze opening, torches in hands. Rosa ran after them, soon joined by the others.

As the stood at the entrance, a loud clanking erupted and caused the group to gasp in unison. One by one, the three other doors began to open up; sending birds flying away and cawing from the Maze.

"Okay Chuck, I want you to go to the Council Hall, okay?" Thomas asked, Chuck turned to face Rosa as of asking for permission and she nodded, "Start barricading the doors. Winston, you go with him."

Chuck and Winston ran in the direction of the Hall, "Get the others and tell them to hide in the forest. Now!" Gally ordered some Gladers that lurked around the Maze.

Rosa turned to Thomas and then to Minho; "I want you to go and find every weapon that you can find. I'll meet you at Council Hall. Teresa, you need to take Jeff and get Alby to the Hall whilst Rosa and I-"

Gladers screamed and ran, "Grievers! Run! Go back! Go back!" Just as the Grievers bellowed together, frightening the Gladers."

Rosa screamed; "All right, everybody hide!" She gripped onto Teresa's hand as she was stuck in fear, staring at the Grievers that had appeared in her eyesight. They had used the cornfield as shelter from the creatures. "Stay down!" she shouted twice, pulling Thomas and Teresa with her as she kneeled on the ground in silence.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now