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Back in the Glade, they were waiting for the return of their friends. They had been waiting all night. Hoping to see all four faces when the entrance opened. Chuck had pushed his way to the front to see Rosa again, his chest filled with dread and worry for his sisters return.

But when the rumbling stopped and the doorway was fully open, he could see that they weren't there. He audibly sighed, Newt noticed how tense he had been so he put his hand on his shoulder, "They're not coming back. Let's go," he removed his hand from Chuck and turned away with the other Gladers in silence.

Chuck refused to move, not with the possibility of them returning. So when he had heard grunting coming from the Maze, he turned. His eyes wide as Thomas and Rosa carried Alby with Minho rubbing his shoulder where he had landed awkwardly. Zart turned around first, "No way."

Chuck's face lit up, his cheeks a bright, rosy red as he screamed with joy. Rosa and Thomas nearly collapsed as they placed Alby's body on the ground for the other Gladers to take to the infirmary.

Questions started to burst from the group, "What happened out there?", "How did you guys make it out?", "Are you guys okay?" and many more that she couldn't hear due to Chuck engulfing her in a tight hug and sobbing in her ear. But he asked the next question, "You saw a Griever?"

Thomas looked up, modestly, "Yeah, I saw one."

"They didn't just see it, they killed it," Mino spat out between pants, all eyes in the group going to Thomas and Rosa in disbelief and shock.

Thomas and Rosa shared a glance and she sent him a small smile before getting up off the floor and keeping her hands on Chuck's shoulders. Surprisingly, no one other than Alby had been badly wounded after their night in the Maze. Minho had told them about him landing on his shoulder roughly, but he said it wasn't serious. Thomas had nothing but a few scratches on his hands and face and Rosa was practically fine, other than her hands having slight friction burns on from sliding down the vines and the injuries from Ben the day before.

But it could have been worse, way worse.

In the meeting tent, Gally had called all the Gladers to talk and discuss the latest events that have happened in the Glade since the arrival of Thomas. Everyone knew that Gally hated Thomas for some reason, most likely jealousy and envy, but all he had done since his arrival is to help the others and even save Alby, Rosa and Minho.

"Things are changing," Gally started, his hands crossed over his chest in a serious matter, "There's no denying that. First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight, and then Alby. And now our Greenie here has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here."

Rosa scoffed loudly, earning a glare from Gally, but Frypan pointed out the obvious; "Yea, but he saved Alby's life."

"Did he?" Gally asked, getting Newt's attention, "For three years, we have coexisted with these things, and now you've killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us?"

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Newt asked, getting slightly annoyed at the role Gally had taken in their leaders' absence.

In a quick and simple answer, Gally replied. "He has to be punished."

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now