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A smile showed on her face, watching as Janson failed to open the door due to Aris destroying the circuits in the lock. She showed Janson her middle finger before running the other way with Thomas at her side, stopping at the grand entrance that they had arrived through.

Thomas pulled on the red lever and opened the large door, all of the Gladers running out into the sand storm that hit them in the face, "We can lose them in the storm!" Rosa shouted, gaining a mouth full of sand.

Running against the direction of the winds that only grew stronger, proved to be difficult for them. Especially when their enemies were chasing them down with vehicles and guns, Thomas screamed at them to lie down and stay low, all of them falling to the sand to avoid being captured. The height of the hill of sand gave them an advantage, they could see where the WICKED guards were travelling.

"Stay low, we can't stay here," she shouted in Thomas' direction, he nodded and informed the others, all of them now running down the decline of the hill and towards a large building hiding in the sand. Rosa shouted at Teresa to slow down as she practically fell in the sand before entering the abandoned building, "Teresa! Don't go in there-"

But she did, all of them right behind her with hesitation and landing in the building, Minho using a torch to illuminate the interior as they all looked around. Rosa pulled her long hair away from her face that had blown all around in the wind and started to knot, "What is this place?"

Rosa, Thomas and Minho, all wanting to keep moving, started to walk away, only to be called back; "Rosa! Thomas! Tell me whats going on."

"It's WICKED," Thomas replied, his eyes locking with Rosa's as she nodded to him, "They lied to us. We never escaped. Me, Aris and Rosa, we found bodies. Too many to count."

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?" Minho asked, his torch still in hand.

"Worse. They weren't dead and they certainly weren't alive. They had them strung up. With tubes coming out of them. They were being drained," Rosa answered, her hands going to her wrists and neck to emphasise her point. "They were being harvested."

Thomas took over, "There's something inside of us that WICKED wants. Something in our blood. So we have to get as far away from them as possible."

"Okay. So, what's the plan?" Newt asked, his hands resting on his hips as he turned to the Gladers, "You do have a plan right?"

"Yeah. I don't know," he replied, turning to Rosa for help, and hoping she had an idea of what they could do, but she shrugged and tried to wrack her mind for a plan.

"Well, we followed you out here, Thomas," Newts voice broke, echoing through the building "And now you're saying that you have no idea where we're going and what we're doing."

Everyone went silent, the Gladers looking to Thomas for an explanation, Rosa included. Aris, to their surprise, spoke up first, "Wait, Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army."

She found the words leaving her mouth before she could even comprehend them; "The Right Arm."

'Vince, I believe that WICKED is growing impatient with their methods and wish to take it a step further in hopes of finding a cure. That is why you, the only person that I can trust at this moment, need to form a rebellion. I have already saved three candidates for their upcoming trials and I have put in place plans to remove thirteen more before they become corrupted. The three that I have helped are already on their way to you with some others who oppose WICKED. They will arrive shortly with supplies that you will need to start a rebellion and potentially save thousands, it is up to you. Enclosed is a map that will lead you to several WICKED camps across this state, use it wisely and there is more to come, I have several other letters that you will receive in time. Rosalind.'

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now