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It all started with a flicker of blue lights blasting her thoughts, visions of doorways, hospital rooms and computer screens that were filled with the faces of her friends, or the test subjects, that she knew and loved. Her eyes set on Thomas, more importantly, the smile that he had sent her way.

Rosa found herself giggling at his antics and she shook her head at him playfully before she could hear a lady snap at her; "Rosa, I did not let you work with your friends for you to distract them!"

"I am sorry Dr Paige, it won't happen again," she muttered, her eyes staring at the blonde, almost grey-haired, lady behind Thomas who carried her constant cold expression.

She could hear snickering coming from Thomas and she smiled once more before the scene changed, she was now in his arms, the safety of his arms, as she sobbed into his chest.

"I can't keep forging relationships with these people when I know that they will be sent to their death's in a shucking Maze!" she took a deep breath, "They kept asking about Nick, and I would have thought that Ava would have had at least some remorse! It was her fault, I will never forgive her. I can't Thomas, I just can't."

The weird sensation filled her body once again, her legs feeling weak and numb before she stood in a room lined with glass tubes and filled with blue liquid and the bodies of the future Gladers.

Her hand pressed gently on the blue tube that carried Alby's unconscious body. She had tried to warn him, telling him that something bad was soon to happen. But they had got to him first, the unopened envelope still in his hands when they pried him from his room and injected him with their formula for testing and observation.

Her eyes took in the sight of guards, four of them, behind them she could see Teresa and Ava Paige. She had been found out. It was only a matter of time before they knew that it was her fault, it had been her fault that three of the immune had escaped the facility and away from testing.

Dr Paige had no emotion showing at all, her face was as still as stone as she watched the guards remove her daughter from the testing room and into a holding cell as she awaited her trial. The woman picked up the blue paper that Rosa had been drawing on and felt her fingers run over the indentations of the pencil. She shook her head before placing it back down and following the guards out of the room.

Teresa had felt guilty, to say the least, it was her fault. She had warned Ave Paige, telling her that her daughter was going to go against the wishes of WICKED. In all honesty, Teresa had been jealous of Rosa since day one; she was outgoing, intelligent and was always appreciated by the leaders of the organisation due to her contributions.

As the guards dragged her screaming and thrashing body from the room, they had passed multiple doors to a variety of different rooms. But in one of them, sat her lover. Thomas ran out, confused until Dr Paige walked past him, still emotionless, with Rosa's letter to Alby in her hand. He had known about her plans to save them, he had even supported it as best he could whilst still wanting her to stay safe. But she never listened, not even when they were children.

Because for Rosa; it had started with him, and it will end with him.


𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, thomas  ✓Where stories live. Discover now