Jealousy (3)

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You were playing with Zoey, when Lamelo's Toy came and sat next to you. At first, you thought nothing of it because you both were cooing at ZoZo, however once Denise came and got her to give her some food the conversation steered in a different direction.

"So, how do you know the family?" She smiled. In your head you thought you'd keep it to yourself, but Lavar did say go after what you want. So why not give her the real facts?

"LaMelo's my ex." You waited for her expression to change but it didn't. Clearly she knew, she just wanted to see if you'd lie like him. Her eyes scanned your body up and down before her lips twisted and her eyes slanted.

"What were you both talking about, before I came?"

You chuckled to yourself realizing how bothered she was, "that's none of your concern."

"It is my concern, because we're together."

"So y'all are officially together." You raised your eyebrow. If they were she would've said that was her boyfriend. But before you could give her a chance to answer you continued on with the thoughts running in your head. "Wow that funny, he's never mentioned you. And he was just saying how much he missed me when we were talking."

You could tell the words flowing from my lips, were hitting her like bullets. Which brought you joy.

"Listen bitch-." She started, but you quickly interrupted.

"No, you listen. LaMelo is in love with me. I can have him at any moment and always will. So this little-

You waved your finger around in her face.

"thing y'all got going on. Won't last, because I'm in love with him too, and I want him back." You smiled watching her erupt into a fit, before running off probably to find Melo. You didn't know if anything you said was true, but you were a manipulator and if it was one thing you could do, it was mess with someone's head.

A few moments passed before Melo came and sat next to you on the couch. You ignored him, just staring at your phone at a bunch of meaningless tweets. He laughed before speaking, "Really?".

"Really, what?" You played confused.

"Why'd you do all that?"

"Do all of what?"

"Quit acting fuckin stupid Tori, I'm not playing with you."

You just stared at him. What did he want you to do confess??

"You really think you can have me at any time you want and I'll come running?"

You nodded your head, yes. Y'all were in love. There was no denying it. "That's not how it works, Victoria."

"How's it work then? Because Lamelo I want you. I can't stomach seeing you with someone else. I'm tired of being jealous."

He stared down at you, obviously chewing on the inside of his bottom lip. He didn't know wether or not you were telling the truth.

"Lamelo." You grabbed his face, bringing it to yours before gently placing a kiss on his lips. "I need you in my life."

Lamelo was ready to risk it. Victoria had mind control over him and he hated it, but he loved you so much he wanted to give you a second chance.

"Fine, but just don't break my heart again."

The Original Lamelo Ball Imagines | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now