Quick F*ck

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So this was in my drafts and I'm posting it, warning it's slick trash asf 🤣


"Damn who got you smiling like that?" Zo asked flopping down next to me on the couch. I shook my head thinking about the girl who's been consuming all my time lately.

Her name was Devin. She was this girl my friend put me on with, and we've really been hitting it off. We've been talking all day everyday, about any and everything. It was never a dull moment and I enjoyed every second of it. I hadn't felt this happy since me and my girl broke it off and it was nice to finally get my groove back.

The only thing is, I haven't met her in person yet. I've been wanting to and so has she but every time she brings it up, I put it off. I don't know why, i just do. But today I've decided to just say fuck it and invite her over.

Sliding the snap notification to the side, my heart jumped a little reading her message.

Devin: Hey I'm outside.

My hands subconsciously found themselves sweaty as I made my way to the door. I wasn't gone lie I was nervous as hell, I almost thought about walking my ass right up them stairs and blocking her on everything but I couldn't. Lamelo Ball is not a pussy.

"Hey." She smiled shyly once I finally gained the confidence to open the door. "Wassup." I said stepping to the side allowing her inside. She gazed around and said her oo's and aa's as most people did when they first walked into our house.

"You like what you see?" I asked, making her direct her attention back to me. "Yeah it's amazing, the house not too bad either." She smirked.

I laughed, not because it was funny but because it was corny and I thought it was cute she was trying.

"Come on lets go upstairs." I spoke while grabbing her hand leading her into my bedroom. Luckily for me the cleaners came today so my room was in the best shape possible.

She climbed on my bed, as did I, and we spent time talking. We talked about our goals in life, our futures, practically anything under the sun. One thing lead to another and we found ourselves tangled in my sheets. But we weren't just fucking, that was some intense love making if you ask me. I felt even more connected to her than I already had and that seemed damn near impossible.

I woke up the next morning expecting her to be there, but when I looked around she and her stuff were gone. But I didn't think much of it, maybe she slipped off in the middle of the night to go home. I do vaguely remember her saying something along the lines that her parents were strict.

I checked my phone expecting a text from her but I didn't see one. She could just still be sleep, I thought shrugging it off. Making my way onto snap, I noticed her name wasn't appearing in my messages anymore. Which was weird... but maybe I'm just thinking too hard about it. You know how snap is. Shit glitchy as fuck.

Tapping over to imessage I typed in her name. First writing her a super long Good Morning paragraph, but deleting it right after I was finished. I didn't wanna seem too attached. Sighing, after minutes of contemplating whether or not to text her I simply let a "fuck it" out and sent a message.

"Good Morning 💙."


"We should hang out later, maybe go on a date." I bit my lip anxiously waiting for her to text back. The three dots appeared showing she was typing but as quickly as they appeared they disappeared.

30 minutes had went by and still no text back. I texted her again, hoping maybe her message just didn't come through.... but my message turned green and didn't deliver.

Did this bitch just block me?

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as everything that happened last night played in my mind. Where did it go wrong? I thought everything was going smooth.

Huffing I got up, walking into Gelo's room. "Aye bro lemme borrow your phone real quick."


"Just lemme see it real quick." I smacked my lips getting annoyed. "Here bruh." He tossed his phone towards me and I caught it with one hand. I walked out his room and back in my typing in her number.

I rolled my eyes watching the message stay blue and deliver. Moments later she responded back with a "who is this?" So I decided to FaceTime her.

After 3 rings she picked up, and her ceiling fan was the focus point in her camera. "What the fuck melo?!" She asked shocked.

"Why'd you block me?"

She let out a laugh, and I heard shuffling in the background before she held the camera to her face.

"Whose phone are you calling me off of?" She deflected ignoring my question.

"Did I do bad or something?"

She laughed again shaking her head. "Nah it was good."

Shit I know.

"Then why did you block me on everything? Did I say something wrong?"

"Lamelo, hun, you were just a quick fuck. You let me hit on the first link and I just don't want you anymore."


"Shh It's okay. Respect yourself, king." She smirked before quickly ending the FaceTime call. I stared at the phone in shock.

I can't believe I just got played.

The Original Lamelo Ball Imagines | Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz