A/N: Welcome and Warning....

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If you're here I can only assume that you've finished and survived book one.

Congratulations. You made it.

If you thought the first book was any shade of crazy, then you're in for a treat.

So this is your warning to buckle up, slap on your helmets, and get ready. For this roller coaster that we're about to embark on gets.....a little insane. For this is the book that explains what happens when the hunted becomes the hunter.

And if you're new here then here be the rules:

1.  Don't be bitches. Okay? Just don't. Don't be mean. It's stupid.

2. If you don't like the book then don't read it. That simple. Not rocket science. If you need a diagram drawn and emailed to you then let me know.

3. New rule which is please keep spoilers out of the comments. Don't write any spoilers. It's fine if you do the #rr or whatever, but don't spoil it or at least say that there's a spoiler ahead so people can skip it. Understood? Good. Need a diagram for this? Let me know.

That's it. That be the rules.

Got it?


Anyway, I hope your ready for this journey for which we are about to embark on.


-B. 😉😬🥴😅

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