三 (Three)

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(Ryu's POV)

I sat at the bar in the seat nearest to the window. I had one knife laying on the bar by the hand and the other still hidden on my person. Yori sat with the other bosses near the middle of the room. Two more of his men and two men belonging to every other boss stood around the room.

The phone that rings only rings when Yori or some other boss wants me for a secret job. This time the job is to be an extra guard for their meeting. Every boss for every Yakuza family meets at this bar once a month.

Like I said earlier, they've all stepped up their security since putting a bounty on Akuma's head. They each bring two men to stand guard inside and each have two more men outside.

I'm basically just a free agent here to protect everyone. I wouldn't do it if not for the fact that each of them is paying me a million dollars an hour. I don't necessarily need the money, but the way Aria is redoing the whole f*cking house  it won't hurt to have more.

The reason I said this was a two knife kind of night is because during the last meeting, some idiots tried to kill some of bosses present. They badly wounded one, before I'd managed to kill them all. Everyone thought that it was Akuma and that he had gotten some friends. It turned out to be a couple morons who lost a lot of money and thought they'd collect big if they took out a boss or two or more.

The meeting was going on hour four and I was getting tired of being there. Aria was keeping me entertained by texting me though.

"Mr. Takahasi, please bring us over some more Sake." Shinoda, one of the bosses said.

Sake is an alcoholic beverage we have here. They've already downed a ton of it.

"Do I look like your f*cking maid?" I asked, slightly turning my head.

"The f*ck did you just say to me?" Shinoda asked, standing up and pulling out his gun.

I let out a groan. I didn't want to do this shit tonight.

"I didn't stutter." I said, fully turning around.

The other bosses watched us with amusement and a bit of worry in their eyes.

"If your brain was as half as big as your dick, you'd watch your mouth." Shinoda spat.

His mistake was getting within reaching distance of my. I reached out, grabbed his gun, and disassembled it faster than he could think it react.

"Sit down, old man. I don't f*cking work for you. I don't f*cking need your money. I'm here on my own free will. I will and can leave right now and let Akuma kill you. Got it?"

Shinoda scramble back to seat and ordered one of his men to come get more Sake.

"I like you." Kobayashi, another boss, said looking at me with a grin on his face.

"Good for you." I said turning back around.

"You joining in on the hunt for Akuma?" He asked.


"Why not?"

"He's not bothering me. Ain't ever done anything to me."

"He killed Nakamura. You worshipped that man."

I chuckled. "I didn't worship him. I barely worked for him."

Hunting Akuma (Book Two of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now