二 (Two)

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Especially all you dirty birds.....🥴🥴😉😉


(Ryu's POV) (Mature Content Ahead😉)

I hit the heavy bag again, ignoring the sweat rolling down my face, soaking my chest. The bag lurched, and I hit it in a quick succession of orchestrated punches.

Hook, jab, uppercut, cross, repeat.

I bounced on the balls of my feet, relishing the familiar impact against my knuckles, the slight give of the bag under my fist.

I waiting on the men Yori wanted me to train. They were running late. Deicide to blow off steam, I started working out on my own.

Other men in the gym kept glancing at me, but I pretended not to notice. I didn't have time for them.

They were whispering about me. A lot of them working for Yori or other Yakuza bosses. A lot of them have heard of me. The knew me as the man that often did brutal jobs for Nakamura. Some of their bosses had even approached Nakamura about borrowing me for a job or two. He never did though and I never would've agreed.

I had just taken off my sweat soaked shirt and was five minutes from just going back home when the men finally arrived. I didn't bother learning their names. I didn't care to.

"Sorry we're late." The one with a buzz cut said.

"Yori had us doing something." Floppy hair said.

"I don't care. Start warming up." I said.

They did ten minutes of warmup before we started with the basics. It didn't take me long to figure out that training them was going to constantly give me a headache.

Three hours later we were finishing up. By that time some onlookers had joined in. I didn't have the time or energy to make them go away. I also didn't want to waste my breath on them.

I had one man pinned to the mat in a chokehold. He tapped my arm three times to give up.

"F*cking shit." He said gasping for air.

I rolled my eyes. Drama queen.

"You can go." I said dismissing everyone.

I turned to head for the showers and as I did I saw someone outside. They were standing in front of the window smiling ear to ear. It was Aria. I ran to grab my bag before heading outside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, wiping sweat off my face.

"Waiting for you."

"How long have you been waiting?"

"Not long. Are you finished?"


"Did you want to take a shower?"

"I can shower at home. How was your day?"

"Good. I got the bedroom finished."

"You did?"

"Yes." She smiled.

"What else did you do?" I asked, noticing a look in her eyes.

"I may have done some online shopping."

"And what did you order?"

"I may have ordered brand new furniture to match the walls."

"What was wrong with what we had before?"

"It didn't look good. I ordered everything in white, except our new bed set and a few other little things. I paid for express shipping too."

I shook my head. "I'm starting to think that I'm going to have to cancel your card."

"Don't you dare."

I chuckled. "I would never. Besides, you'd just steal mine."

"Steal? I wouldn't steal yours. I have your card memorized. Expiration date, security code, and all." She smiled.

We got home and I headed for the shower. I was in the middle of washing my hair when the door opened. I opened my eyes to see Aria climbing in with a smile on her face.

"Hi there." She smiled.

"Hi there. What are you doing?"

"I need a shower to, thought we could save water." She shrugged.


She took a stepped forward into the spray and squealed as the water hit her. I instantly reached over and turned the water on hot. It burns me up, but she enjoys it.

I pull her against me and my mouth automatically finds hers. I run my tongue across her bottom lip, and when she opens her mouth, I sweep my tongue against hers. She lets out a moan into my mouth.

"Ryu," she murmurs against my lips, wrapping her fingers around my dick. "I want to take care of you."

I suck in a quick hit of air. Her little fingers feel amazing.

"You don't...." I start but stop when she kisses me.

She pulls back and gives me a wicked smile, then drops to her knees. Her soft, wet tongue flicks against the underside of my cock.

"Oh, f*ck."

She peeks up at me and winks.

"Aria, I'm—" My words are lost as wraps her lips around my cock, sliding down as far as she can.

She wraps her hand around what she can't fit in her mouth and gives a nice counter-twist.

"F*ck," I groan.

I brace one hand on the wall and the tangle the other in her hair. Soon she ends up placing her hands on my hips and letting me have my way with her mouth. Her big doe eyes stared up at me submissively, her mouth opened for me to take.

"Aria, f*ck."

I could feel my muscles bunching and tensing as I got close. As I came to my release, she didn't pull away or fight against me. She took it all down without complaint.

I pulled her up on her feet and pressed my moth against hers.

"F*ck, I love you."

She giggled. "I love you to."

I went to move my hand down to her center just as the phone started to ring. She pulled away and started to get out of the shower when I grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going?"

"To get the phone."

"I don't f*cking think so."

"Ryu, that phone never rings."

I groaned because I knew she was right. When that phone rings, it means I'm going to have a long f*cking night and not the fun kind.

I let her go so she could grab the phone as I quickly finished showering. I had just wrapped a towel around my waist when she came back in and handed me a piece of paper.

It was an address and a time.

I looked at her face to see worry swimming in her eyes.

"I'll be okay. Pinky Promise." I said holding my pinky out.

She hooked her pinky with him and gave me a soft smile. I got dressed, opened the area where I keep my knives, and sighed.

This was going to be a two knife kind of night.

Hunting Akuma (Book Two of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now