十二 (Twelve)

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(Ryu's POV)


I dropped down from my last pull-up.


I wiped my sweat off on the t-shirt I had been wearing.


I took off upstairs. It sounded like pure terror.

I found her in the bathroom standing on the counter completely naked. She had a pout on her face and the shower was running.

"Yes?" I asked.

She pointed to the floor. I looked and found a spider crawling towards the shower.

"Kill it." She said.

I reached down, picked it up, and threw it in the toilet.

"Good now?"

"Thank you." She smiled.

She held out her hands for help getting off the counter. I grabbed her hands in mine and watched as she softly jumped down.

Being a man, I took my time admiring her naked form. She was mind-blowingly beautiful, and she was mine. I looked at the curves of her naked skin as she stepped back into the water.

She saw me watching her and grinned. "Would you like to join me?"

I checked the time and looked back at her.

"I never mind a quick one." She teased.

An hour later, I was officially running late for the meeting.

"And I'm done." She said as she finished covering my tattoo.

I gave her a quick kiss and headed out the door. I arrived at the bathhouse fifteen minutes late. I imagined that Yori was going out of his mind with worry.

I got inside the locker room area to find Yori pacing.

Completely naked.

"Thank goodness. I thought you weren't coming. I was worried." He said once he saw me.

"Had a few things to do first."

"I'm just glad you came. Most of them are in there already. My father is an intimidating man, so be prepared. Although you're even more intimidating. Actually, you're terrifying. Intimidating, but mostly terrifying. His men are also intimidating. They've all looked down on me my whole life. They-"

"Yori, you're nervously rambling and wasting my time." I said crossing my arms.

"Right. Sorry."

I thought he'd go inside and join his father, but no. He stood off to the side and looked at me.

He saw the look on my face and started talking again.

"Are you nervous? Don't be nervous. I'm sure you look great underneath your clothes. We're all going to be.....closer after today. Nothing like seeing your work friends naked. It's okay if your insecure. You gotta be confident. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Every man is different."

While he was rambling again, I started taking off my clothes and putting them in one of the lockers. He stopped talking once he realized I was naked as well.

He looked me over once before gluing his eyes to the ceiling. "Well now I'm ashamed. Compared to you." He mumbled, moving his hands to cover his manhood.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's get this over with."

"Right. Let's go. I'll go in first."

"Please do."

Hunting Akuma (Book Two of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now