六 (Six)

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(Ryu's POV)

I walked in the rain to Yori's house. I didn't mind. I enjoy the rain. Aria does to. She usually likes to take a walk in it.

I arrived at Yori's house to find two cars waiting out front and a lot of men inside. Like usual, no one looked my way as I walked in.

I found Yori in his living room waiting.

"You're here!" He exclaimed when he saw me.

I ignored him.

"Let's get going." Yori said clapping his hands.

"Where are we going?"

"Out of the city. This is why we are taking me car."

"Why are going out of the city?"

"Mr. Takahashi, don't worry. We should be back by morning."

I rode in the backseat with Yori. Two of his men rode in the front and four more followed behind us. We drove for about an hour as it stormed.

Our destination ended up being an abandoned factory out of the city. We walked inside to find a few more of Yori's men.

They were standing in a half circle. They were facing a man who had a hood over his head and was chained to the ceiling, just like I had been. My entire body tensed. I quickly scanned everything I could see and took note of every exit, window, and potential weapon.

"Sorry I'm late. The storm has really picked up."

When we got about ten feet from the man hanging from the ceiling I recognized him. It was one of the men that Nakamura and Tanaka had watch me fight the day I escaped. I'd managed to track all of them down and....handle them, except this guy. He left before I could find him.

"Has he said anything?" Yori asked.

"No. He was all talk before we caught him, but now he's silent."

Yori nodded. "And how sure are we?"

"He say's that he can tell us what Akuma looks like. He was drunk in one of the bars bragging about it. Said Nakamura invited him and some others to American to see Akuma fight. The others have gone missing, so we can only assume that Akuma got to them."

"Very well then. Who found him?"

"I did." A new voice said walking in from another door.

It was Jun. Before he could see me, I took several steps back until I was mostly in a shadowed area.

"And who are you?" Yori asked.

"Jun Minami."

"Why contact me? Why bring a witness to me?"

"You have the most amount of money in the reward. Thought it was only right to contact you first."

"Fair enough. Take the hood off." Yori said.

One man stepped forward and yanked the hood off. The man frantically looked around the room.

"Please, let me go." He instantly pleaded.

"Tell me what you know and then I'll let you go. Maybe." Yori said, walking over in front of the man.

"What do you want to know?"

"You've seen Akuma's face. I want you to describe him to me in perfect detail."

The man frantically looked around the room once again. That when his eyes connected with mine. His eyes widened and I knew I had to do something.

Hunting Akuma (Book Two of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now