七 (Seven)

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Regarding some....medical information ahead, I would like all you critics to know that I spent two hours doing extensive research, so calm down and stay quiet for the sake of my sanity.

I usually do spend hours doing research for every book and a lot of chapters. I'm not about incorrect information and I'm not about to put it in a book.

Even so, it's all fiction.

Anyway, that is all.



(Ryu's POV)

I was seconds away from flipping shit when there was a knock on the door. I pulled it opened to find our neighbor, Mrs. Date, standing there with an umbrella.

"She's asleep on my couch."


"Aria. She is asleep on my couch."

I followed her over to her house where Aria was indeed sleeping on the couch. She had her hand wrapped in a bandage as well and the stupid f*cking cat curled up against her.

"She came over shortly after the power went out. Wanted to make sure I was okay." Mrs. Date explained.

"Did she wake you?" I asked knowing it was well past midnight.

"No. I have trouble sleeping, so I was already up."

Mrs. Date is about eighty years old and a widow. She lives alone with her cats. Aria comes over and visits her ever since we moved in. Sometimes she brings her some of whatever we have for dinner and often bakes a dessert for her.

"What happened to her hand?" I asked causing Mrs. Date to grin.

"She told me that you'd ask about that. She said she was putting something together and accidentally hurt herself that way. I put the bandage on for her. It's a pretty good cut, but not bad enough to need stitches."

I nodded. I was going to carry her back home and put her bed, but Mrs. Date wouldn't let me. She demanded that I have a cup of tea and something to eat.

While she made tea, I used her umbrella to run home and change out of my wet clothes. I quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I got back just in time for the tea to be done.

"Are you two married?" She asked as I took a sip of tea.


"Do you wish to marry her? She seems like the kind of girl who'd want a big wedding." She smiled.

"I do want to marry her. We've talked about it a time or two. And the last thing she wants is a big wedding. She told me that she'll be happy with just the two of us."

She nodded.

"Do you two wish to have kids?" She asked and I tensed.

"We haven't discussed kids." I lied.

"I assume she knows about.....your world?"

"My world?"

Her eyes moved to my very visible tattoos on my arm.

"People don't walk around with those on display like you do."

To the Yakuza tattoos are private. Here in Japan, tattoos are still considered taboo. This is why most get their tattoos in places that can be hidden. I frankly don't give a f*ck.

Hunting Akuma (Book Two of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora