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Yes, we've reached the end. I am as sad as you are. I love them so much. 🥺😭🥰🥺😭🥰



(Aria's POV)

I woke up alone in bed. I didn't have to go look for him. I knew where he was.

The shower was running.

He still has nightmares. He probably always will, but they're less frequent now.

He walked out of the bathroom twenty minutes later with a towel around his waist and sat on the edge of the bed. I pushed back the covers and crawled over to him.

I was going to wrap my arms around him, but he quickly grabbed me and pulled me around to sit in his lap.

"Did I wake you?" He asked, brushing hair back from my face.

"Your absence did." I smiled.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I said giving him a kiss. "What time do you have to leave?"

"Around ten."

"What time will you be home?"

"Four, like always. It's not like you won't tag along." He grinned.

"Got me there."

After everything went down, neither of us knew what to do. We didn't know what our normal was or could be. It took a month or two before we figured it all out.

There is a large gym near our house and they were looking to hire some trainers. Ryu had no intention of applying, but he went there every day to work out. The owners quickly took notice of him and approached him about taking the job. He chuckled and cockily joked that they couldn't afford him.

They left and approached him again a few days later with a number. An insane number. He told them no.

When he told me about it, I asked him why not. He gave me some answer, but it was a stupid reason. I told him that he works out anyway and that technically he'd be getting paid to work out.

He decided to give it a trial run. He said he'd do it for a week, but if he didn't like it then he'd quit.

He didn't quit.

He doesn't necessarily like people, but he tolerated them for the job. His brain about exploded when Yori, Jun, and Aimoto walked in and sighed up for him to be their trainer.

It didn't take long for him to gain a bunch of clients. Most of them are men. Most of them.

I don't get jealous because..... well why would I? He's married to me. He's mine. I sleep with him. They get his attention for a few hours, but I get it all the time. Especially since I go to the gym with him.

I don't go everyday. Just the days when I have nothing to do. I found a new art class to go to with Mrs. Date and now Yukio goes with us to.
I met a woman at the art class that is my age that I hang out with now to.

She married and they've came over for dinner a few times. Ryu took a while to warm up to them, but now he and her husband are....sort of friends. They're as close to being friends as you can get with Ryu.

I also go to a yoga class at the gym and, since Ryu works at the gym, the yoga class is free for me. A couple days a week, I actually help teach the yoga class so I get paid for that.

We're not together 24/7, but pretty damn close. I think that's a good thing about us. We don't mind being together almost all the time. We enjoy each other's company and it's effortless.

We didn't get another cat, but we are looking at getting a dog. Ryu said he'd probably go insane with two cats, so he wants a dog. A big dog. He said he didn't want a small dog.

I'd like to say that we got completely out of the Yakuza world, but I'd be lying. The only reason we're not out of it is because of Yori. He's a moron who doesn't know a lot and so he calls Ryu.

Ryu doesn't do jobs for him, but he helps him. I guess you could say that he's kind of an advisor. Yori runs things past Ryu to get his opinion. He pays Ryu, so Ryu deals with it.

He told me that, due to my shopping and redecorating habits, extra money is always good. I couldn't disagree.

We haven't seen Vince and Juliet since they left, but they call once or twice a week. Vince is still hung up on the whole bullet/cigarette/gun thing. He never fully asks about it, he hints at it. Ryu ignores him.

All of that is our normal now and I love it. I love waking up everyday and knowing what to expect.

It has....brought us both a sense of peace.

He's not as tense as he used to be. He's not as angry either.

But I'm not stupid or naive.

I know.

I know that Akuma still rests underneath the surface. I know that it'll just take one thing to happen to make him snap.

Yori, Jun, Aimoto, and Vince know that too.

It's no secret. It's just something that none of us talk about or mention. We ignore it.

He will remain as my Ryu. My narcissistic, sociopath, psychopath, best friend, lover, husband, and soulmate Ryu.

He will remain that way until Akuma comes out to hunt.

Because when it comes to a hunt.....

He is much better at being a hunter than being the hunted.

The End.

Or is it........


We have reached the end. Thank you sticking with me through this journey.

Did you laugh?😂
Did you cry?😭
Did you smile?😊

I hope so!!!

Till next time.....😉🤔

-B. 🥰🥰😘😘

Hunting Akuma (Book Two of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now