八 (Eight)

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(Aria's POV)

I walked into the house with the biggest smile on my face. I immediately went to find Ryu and found him down in the gym/basement. Shimo was sleeping on the bench a couple feet away from him.

"I am home and I made something for you." I said, practically running over to him.

He stopped what he was doing and turned to face him. After being briefly distracted by his very sweaty and glorious looking body, I held out my right hand.

"Ta-da." I said smiling.

He looked down at it and smiled. The kind of smile you give your child or sibling when they give you a handmade gift that looks strange and unnatural. The kind you say you'll hang up but then lose.

"It's beautiful." He smiled.

I laughed. "You're such a liar. It's terrible, but it's yours now. I made it with love so you have to love it."

"Thank you. I'll hang it up...on the wall....in the corner....in the closet." He teased.

Mrs. Date told me about this place not far from our house that has painting classes and things like that. I went and signed up. This made my fourth time going and I'm still pretty bad at it, but it's okay. Enjoying it and having fun is all that matters. The class times vary, so sometimes Ryu is....out doing stuff and sometimes he is home when I have to leave. When he's not working, he drops me off and picks me up. Today he was working, so I went by myself.

"I also made this," I said holding out my other hand.

"You made a second one? Fantastic."

I laughed again. "You're such an ass. It's the second half to the first one. Put them together and they make one picture. Isn't that great?"

"Yes. Now I have one for two corners. Two more and I'll have a complete set."

He teased me, but I knew he liked them.

I stood beside him as he held the paintings and a started explaining them to him.

"This is me and Shimo. We're over here eating on a picnic blanket. He's got some little cat food and I've got some pizza. There a rainbow over our heads too. I'm also wearing my favorite pair of jeans and t-shirt."

"Why am I not with you?"

"You're over here on his painting. See this guy was rude to Shimo and me, so you chased him over here near the woods and stabbed him. That's you wiping the blood off your hands using his shirt. You're wearing your favorite pair of jeans and your favorite t-shirt too. Isn't that cute?"


"I got some funny looks when I was painting it, but the teacher said it was sort of like freestyle day. That meant we could paint whatever we want. I did a portrait of our family." I smiled.

"I take it back." He said.

"Take what back?"

"My comment about it being adorable."


"Because you're the adorable one." He winked.

"Hey, don't start flirting with me. I invited Mrs. Date over for dinner. If we start something now then I won't have dinner finished on time."

"You can just get takeout or delivery."

"No, I promise her a home cooked meal." I said just as his phone went off.

He walked over, checked it, and then sighed.

"I'm guessing you won't be joining us for dinner?"

"Correct. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You have to provide for me and Shimo now. We eat a lot. Need all the money we can get."

He gave me a kiss before going to take a shower. Shimo followed after him and I went up to start dinner.

Two hours later, he was gone and Mrs. Date had just arrived.

"Your house is very beautiful."

"Thank you. The interior is....newly renovated a bit."

"You do it by yourself?"

"Mostly. Ryu did the things that I couldn't. Mainly lifting heavy thing, putting things together, opening the paint cans, and stuff like that."

"Where is Ryu at? He not joining?"

"He was...called into work unexpectedly."

"Ahh yes. I'm aware of what he does for a living."

"You are?"

"Honey, he doesn't hide it very well. You can see those tattoos a mile away."

"I suppose people can."

"I do have two questions." She said as we sat down at the table.

"Let me hear them."

She gave me a mischievous smile and leaned closer. "The other night when he picked you up, his shirt came up a little and I saw more ink. My question is....just how far do the tattoos go? And does he look as good with the shirt off as he does with it on?"

(Ryu's POV)

I walked into the house already done with whatever bullshit I had to put up with tonight.
I heard Yori laughing about something in his kitchen, so that's where I headed.

I wasn't prepared for what I saw when I got there though.

Yori was standing by his bar with Jun standing right beside him.

"Mr. Takahashi, I'm so glad you finally made it." Yori said, rushing over to me.

He smelled like alcohol, so I knew he was drunk.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"You are going to do something for me tonight."

"And that is what?"

"You are going to team up with my new friend, Jun. I've got some important business deals in the works and there has been some guy that's been getting in the way. I want you to either send him a message or get rid of him completely. I'll leave it up to you. Now, Jun has the man's name and known associates. We don't know his address, so you have to find him on your own. Got it?"

"Got it." I nodded.

"Very well then. Off you go. Play nice with each other." He said as Jun headed my way.

We got outside and Jun clapped his hand on my shoulder. That's when he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Going on a mission with Akuma. This is going to be so much fun."

Hunting Akuma (Book Two of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now