一 (One)

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And off we go!



(Ryu's POV)

"Any new developments?" Yori asked at the weekly meeting.

He's been having these meetings ever since he took over. Nakamura used to have them every other week or once a month. Yori felt the need to have one every f*cking week.

And he felt the need to make me be present. He paid me to be there. Said I was security incase Akuma showed up.

F*cking dumbass.

Everyone was tightening security. Every boss was hiring new bodyguards almost daily. They all acted tough, but they're really scared shitless. Putting a bounty on Akuma's head would do that to someone I guess.

"Nothing new this week. Everything is running smoothly."

"Any news on Akuma?" He asked causing me to smirk. I was standing by the window looking out at the city, but I could everyone through the reflection.

"Same things as usual since the reward was announced. People call or bring people in, but none of them are him."

"Possibility of him still being in the states?"

"That's unclear. He could be anywhere."

"Mr. Takahashi," Yori said causing me to slightly turn my head. I raised my eyebrow in question. "What are your thoughts?"

"My thoughts?"

"Yes, my uncle trusted you, so I want to know what you think. You have similar techniques as Akuma. If you were him, what would you do? Would you stay in the states, come back here, or go somewhere else?"

I stared back out the window and crossed my arms. "I would come back."

"Why? People are looking high and low for this guy."

"The one thing you know about him is that he doesn't fear anyone or anything. He's not afraid to go after anyone. This is his home and I don't think he'd leave just because people are hunting him."

"So he's definitely here." One guy said.

I rolled my eyes. "No necessarily. You asked for my thoughts and I gave them. Unless you consider my thoughts as facts, it's hard to say if he's here."

The morons went on to talk more and throw their theories and opinions out. I mainly tuned them out and stared out the window. When the meeting ended, I was the last to leave like usual.

"Mr. Takahasi," Yori said before I could get out the door.

I stuck my hands in my pockets and turned around to face him.

"I have another job for you, if you're interested." He said.

"And what would that be?"

"My uncle mentioned that you're experienced in three types of martial arts. Is this true?"

I fought my urge to smirk and just nodded. In the world there are more than 170 types of martial arts and I'm trained in every single one them. I am also at the highest level/rank of every single one of them. The fact that Nakamura told people I was only trained in three amused me.

Hunting Akuma (Book Two of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now