九 (Nine)

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(Ryu's POV)

We walked down a dingy alley, searching for someone connected to the man Yori wanted us to find. I was quickly losing my patience with Jun. He kept talking about how much fun we were going to have and he kept talking about Akuma.

We were almost to the end of the alley when I snapped. I quickly had him pinned to the wall with my knife at his throat. I pressed my knife hard enough against his neck to cut him a little bit.

"Listen carefully because I'm going to say this once. You only get one warning." I growled. "I don't know who you f*cking think I am and I don't know how you f*cking think you know me, but cut it out. I'm not who you think I am. I have no time to deal with your stupid f*cking bullshit. I'm not Akuma and I'm not here to be your friend. I'm here to do this job and then get home. Any more bullshit comes out of your mouth then I'm going to slit you open, understand?"

He faintly nodded.

"Good." I said taking a few steps back.

He pressed his hand to his neck where I cut him and little and put pressure on the wound as I started walking again.

"So you really don't remember me?" He asked.

I stopped in my tracks and tightened my grip on my knife.

"What did I just f*cking say?"

"It's not bullshit and I'm just asking."

I rolled my eyes. "No, I don't remember you. I don't know you. Happy?"

"Not really. I was hoping you'd remember me. That's why I came here after all."

"I don't remember so drop it. Let's get this over with so I can go home."

We got several leads that eventually took us to the man we were looking for. He was at home with his wife. Being the time of night that it was, they were both in bed asleep. I went in through the conjoining bathroom window. Jun was quick and careful to follow me.

Luckily for us, Haru, the guy, soon got up to go to the bathroom.

Jun quickly jumped into the shower to hide and I slid into the corner by the door. As soon as he was inside I grabbed him and shut the door.

He tried to scream, but stopped when he felt my knife at his neck.

"Listen carefully," I said, keeping him from looking in the mirror and seeing my face. "I was given the options of killing you or giving you a warning. I'm usually fond of the first one. Fortunately for you, I don't feel like getting your blood all over my hands or my clothes. You're going to get a warning so listen carefully. Got it?"

"G-Got it."

"You're interfering with business and I know that you know what I'm talking about. You're going to stop and invest your time into something else. If I find out that you're still causing trouble then I'm going to come back and make you watch as I kill your wife. After that I'm going to gut you with this knife. Do you understand me?"


"So what are you going to do?"

"S-Stop interfering with Yori's business. Invest my time in something else."


It was at that moment that I started to smell something. I looked down to see that he had pissed himself. For that and getting piss on my shoes, I gave him the same wound I gave Jun.

I shoved him to the floor, opened the door, and walked out. Jun was quick to follow me.

"We're going out this way?" Jun asked quietly.

"Well I'm not going out the window."

"Why give him a warning? Why not just kill him?"

"Didn't want to deal with the mess." I lied.

I didn't kill him because when I looked into his bedroom, I saw his wife. She was sleeping and she resembled Aria a tiny bit. If I killed him then I'd have to kill her.

We were almost back to Yori's when my phone went off. I dug it out of my pocket and looked at the screen. As soon as I saw it, I tensed.

Hurry home. SOS

(Aria's POV)

Mrs. Date and I had a wonderful dinner together. We talked, laughed, and even cried a little. Although I did most of the crying that could possibly be due to hormones caused by my monthly visitor.

Even though it was super late, she stuck around. She said she'd keep me company until Ryu got home. Said that she rarely slept anyway so she didn't mind it. She was sitting at the table keeping me company while I did the dishes when someone knocked on the door.

"Expecting anyone at this time?" She asked.

"No," I shook my head.

"I don't suppose it's your handsome man?"

"No, he wouldn't knock. He doesn't knock on anyone's door actually." I said.

"Want me to see who it is?"

"No. I got it." I said grabbing the largest kitchen knife we had.

"Oh right. Yes, you should answer it."

I laid the house phone on the table in front of her. "Ryu is speed dial one. Call if I yell. Okay?"

"I can do that."

I walked to the door and looked out the peephole. I saw a woman.

I opened the door halfway and hid the knife behind my back.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

She eyed me up and down. "Are you the maid?"

"Excuse me? Are you the maid?"

"No, this is my house. Who the f*ck are you?"

"Your house? I was told that this is Ryu Takahashi's house."

"It is. I'm his....wife. Now, who the f*ck are you?"

"Is he home? I need to speak to him immediately." She said attempting to walk past me.

I pulled out the knife and put it between us.

"I won't ask again." I hissed.

She scoffed and took a step back. She crossed her arms before speaking. "I'm his mother."


In honor of Mother's Day......😬😬😑😑😉😉

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