Chapter 6:Bully

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If there's one thing I have always tried to avoid in school was been bullied. I hated bullies so much and because of that I joined the karate club and I had a black belt. But I promised my dad I wasn't going to attack anyone or bully and I kept that promise.

Only used it to defend myself. And now was the time, but I did not want to do this. While I was thinking about whether or not to, and how much trouble i will be in after this. She started laughing.

"So you have a big mouth but you can still be afraid" She says

"Who said i am afraid??" I ask

"Your eyes betray you" She says smirking

"Stop talking like we are in some legendary movie or something" I say rolling my eyes

"Well you better be ready cause you are going to your hostel with a twisted ankle" She says glaring at me

"And who made you the boss of that" I say

"She can still talk" She says

"Again that's why I have a mouth"I say

"Enough talking, time to deal with you" She says

Dad am sorry I didn't want to disappoint you again but I have to. If you still wanna see your daughter in great shape

She raises her leg aiming for  my waist and I shoot out my hand to catch her leg. But as we are about to exchange kicks. Someone appears at the end of the hall. I look at the end of the hall and see a boy walking towards us.

"What are you guys doing??" He asks

The boy that helped me in class that day, Andrew. And it seems like my bully had a crush on him cause she immediately dropped her hand and calmed down. Putting on puppy eyes and trying to look nice.

"Ooo Andrew we were just talking and playing" She says

What the??

That was the biggest lie I have ever heard. But she looked at me with the eye that said 'if you spout nonsense I will kill you'. So I just decided to keep shut

"Okay. Bella" He says

"Yeah" I turn towards him

"The teacher said I should get students from our class and keep them busy" He says

"Seriously!! who put you in charge of that??" I say

That came out wrong!!

"I know you don't like it, neither do I but we have to go" He says

"Fine" I say

And the two of us walk away, but I could tell that my bully was angry cause her crush didn't spare her a glance.

"So what are you making me do??" I ask

"Well everyone is doing something and I have ran out of tasks" He says

"So does that mean I can go" I ask hopefully

"Nope" He says popping the p

"Seriously" I say

"Yep I wanna have a quiz and I need a partner" He says

"Ooo I see what's happening am turning to someone's reading partner" I say shooting him a glare

"Yeah" He says smiling

"But let me warn you, I might not know stuff like you" I say

"No problem" He says

"Seriously I thought you will be discouraged" I say

"No way we are reading" He says

If you have issues with a person who's being bullying you, get yourself together and defend yourself cause you are more than that.

Hope you can tag along till the end, drop a vote and comment. Love ya and stay safe

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