Chapter 32: Preparation

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West High School does this kind of things

I walk to my class and sit down, I really missed Jackson. He always made class fun and pushed me to listen to the most boring things. I really can't wait till he is back.

Soon the bell rings and I head to the hostel. I enter and see Vera looking at the wall, lost in her thoughts.

"Vera what are you day dreaming about??"

"What!! I wasn't dreaming of anything"

"Yeah right, start spilling everything"

"Ok fine, you know prom is close"

"Yeah I just saw it on the notification board"

"Well I am..."

"You are what"

"I am wondering if Tony is gonna ask me out"

"Of course he will, you guys are already a couple"

"But am still nervous"

"Hey don't think too much about it, he will surely come around"

"Are you sure"

"Yeah if he doesn't, then he is a real dumb dumb"

"Thanks Bella"

"No problem"

"So what are you planning to do for prom"

"Hmmmm I haven't really thought about it"

"What of Andrew huh"

She nudges and winks at me, mischeviously looking at me.

"I haven't thought about it"

"Well you should"

"Ok but have you asked Ella"

"You know how she can be sometimes."

"So let me guess she said she isn't going with anyone"

"Yep Total Ella"

"Hmmmm maybe we can go as Single babes"

Just then, Ella walks into the room looking exhausted while holding her books.

"Hey girls"

"Hey girl"

"What's up"

"My fingers are still hurting from literature class"

"A hell lot of note right??"

"Yep I am really exhausted"

"Emmm Ella we were talking about prom and....."

"I am not going"

"What!!! You can't stay here alone"

"I can"

"The both of us can go as Single girls"

"Yeah right, you are going with Andrew"

"Why does everyone say that"

"Cause it's obvious"

"Well he hasn't asked and am sure he is going with Julia"

"Whatever I am not still going"

"Please Ella you can't stay here alone"

"I actually can"

"Come on!! We can go together"

"Ella please"

"Pretty please"

"Ok ok fine"

"Thanks, so we are going as Single babes"

"Well just the both of us, Vera is already booked"

"Yeah she's going with her prince charming"

"He hasn't even asked"

"And as I said he will"

"And am sure you guys are gonna look cute"

"So what are we gonna wear"

"Yeah the school is allowing everyone to get cool clothes for the party"

"Mainly cause it's going into the year book"

"Cool so I was thinking we should go to the Branden Boutique"

"Sounds cool but it also sounds expensive"

"Trust me it isn't. I and my friends go there sometimes"

"Ok but do we have cash on us"

"We can withdraw there, there are ATMs"

"Ok so when exactly"

"The school said we have three days"

"So tomorrow"

"Yeah we can't waste time"

"So tomorrow this babes are going shopping for prom"

"Yeah we are gonna look drop dead gorgeous"

"And I also know a great makeup artist"

"OMG!! We are gonna look really great"

"Yeah Vera you have to look gorgeous"

"Yep for Tony"

"You guys are unbelievable"

"That's why we are your besties"

We giggle and continue talking till we get tired and drop on our beds exhausted.

Hey guys I have always wanted to write about prom, they are gonna look great. I plan to get cool pictures for it, trust me it's gonna be a blast

Hope you can tag along till the end. Drop a vote and comment, love ya and stay safe

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