Chapter 15: Charlotte's problem

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After my dad left, I turn to see Charlotte smirking at me. How did my life come to this? Ugh I had already done what she asked. What more does she want? Either ways one thing is for sure, it's time to finally get rid of this girl.

"Charlotte what exactly were you doing?" I ask

"I was having fun with my friend" She says innocently

"Charlotte stop it, we aren't friends" I say crossing my hands

"Awwn she's mad" She says with a smirk

I was really getting pissed, I haven't been angry for a long time but this girl is making me mad. Why can't she just leave me alone? I don't know her from Adam and she doesn't know me. She should just back off.

"Charlotte get away from me" I say getting angry

"Am gonna make you mad every single day" She says

"What??" I ask confused

"I told you to stay away from Andrew" She says

"And I stayed away from him" I reply back

"But he hasn't" She says

"What??" I ask still confused

"Andrew was talking about you with his friends" She says

I was shocked, he actually talked about me. I thought he didn't care or even noticed my absence. I mean yeah we were friends but he is a social and popular guy, he has many friends. I didn't think he would notice my absence.

"How do you know??" I ask curious

"None of your business" She says

"How obsessed are you exactly, ease dropping on conversations" I say

"Shut up, just stay away from him" She says

"Even if he gossips about me, its not my fault" I say

"This is a warning stay away from him" She says

I was really getting sick of this,I  had to end this today

"And who made you the boss of that" I say

"If you dare" She threatens

She threw a punch at my stomach but I dodged and caught her hand. While holding her hand, I land a kick at her back making her scream in pain. She drops to the floor wiggling like a worm

"Aaaah you bitch how dare you" She says

"I told you to leave me alone but you didn't listen" I say with a smirk

"You will pay for this" She says

"There's a lot from where that came from, dare me and see" I say

She tries to look at me with fierce eyes but fails miserably because of the fear fighting to overshadow them. She walks away or if I should say run away cause she was walking like she wanted to win a jogging competition.

I guess all those times at karate class wasn't for nothing

I go to my safe house but my friends aren't there, and my next class is thirty minutes away. And then my mind drifts to what Charlotte said, should I believe it or not?? I shouldn't think about it we are friends fighting, or should I say giving each other space. Of course there will be a little gossip here and there.

I should practice for the competition

I begin to sing my part and after some time I get hungry. I go to the cafetaria and pick up a drink and a donut. Okay okay I may eat too much Junk Food but it's so good, you can't deny that. I am enjoying my delicacy when someone sits beside me.

"Hey damsel" Jackson says

"Trobulemaker what's up" I say

"Nothing much and cute voice" He says

"What??" I ask confused at the comment

"You were humming a song" He says

"Ooo I guess I was singing without knowing" I say

"Mmhhmm so are you auditioning for the competition?" He asks

"Yeah I guess so" I say

"I am surely gonna be there" He says

"Yeah of course you must be there" I say

"Then I will see how your voice shatters glasses" He says chuckling

"What? My voice is a voice of purity" I shout

"Yeah purity that shatters glasses" He says

"Get lost" I say pushing him

"You know talking while eating is bad manners" He says

"Ooo sorry Mr. Etiquette" I say rolling my eyes

"No need but next time be careful Miss. Bad manners" He says

"That's it am landing a punch" I shout and throw my fist

He dodges and shifts far away from me. I glare at him before returning to my delicacy. He put an innocent look and scurries towards me, I throw a piece of my donut at his face. It hits his face and he stuffs it into his mouth.

"It's time for class" He says wiping his mouth

"Yeah we should go" I say clearing my side of the table

"Brace up for boredom" He says

"Who is it??" I ask

"Miss. Claudia" He says

"Wwwhhhaaattt??" I scream

"Yeah I know right" He says

"I thought she was the vice principal and all" I say

"She said she wants to analyse us" He says

"Damn!! Am not going" I say crossing my hands

"Yes you are" He says

"No it's gonna be horrible" I say

"Hey if you don't go she will take note and you might be in trouble" He says looking at me like an adult

"Ooo brother I guess am doing this" I say shaking my hands in the air

"I will be with you all through the way" He says smiling

"How does that help" I say rolling my eyes

"Hey am trying to be encouraging" He says

"Ooo sorry you are very encouraging" I say sarcastically

"Mmhhmmm let's go" He says chuckling

Am super happy Bella put Charlotte in her place, hope we can all be like that. Can you put your bully in their place??

Hope you can tag along till the end, drop a vote and comment. Love ya and stay safe

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