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"It's cold."

Ji Hera placed the newspaper on the doorstep, and went back to her bicycle. She blew air in her hands, and rubbed them together to get some warmth. She paddled the cycle, and went to a new house to deliver newspapers and milk bottles.

The small job made her some bucks she could use as pocket money. Her brother, Suho, was already out to give tuition to a few students. Life was tough for them, but they had each other, so it was worth it. After finishing her job, she went to a nearby park to breathe some fresh air. It was still early morning and people were coming out for jogging or doing exercise. She opened the extra milk bottle, and sipped some to get refreshed. "Ah! I like it," she smiled to herself.

"Hey," A soft voice made her look up, and she at once stood up when she saw Prince Taehyung in front of her. He was out for jogging, considering the choice of outfit he was wearing. "I saw you yesterday in Pyongyang, a new student in the royal school?"

Hera bowed to him. "Yes. We shifted here last week. This way it's close to school."

"Don't be much formal with me." He smiled gently. "We're going to be classmates. I'm joining from today too."

She blinked. "I'm honored to have you as my classmate, prince." She didn't know what to do or how to interact with the prince. She had hardly ever seen any royals, and now she was going to study with them. It felt weird.

Taehyung chuckled. "I just told you we're classmates from today, and you're still being formal? Let's be friends. I'll introduce myself to you, it's Taehyung. You can call me V, it's my nickname."

She bit her lip, thinking whether she should be friends with someone who was the royalty himself or not, but Taehyung made a decision for her. He stretched out his hand for the handshake, and she looked back and forth between his hand and his kind eyes. Maybe it wasn't so bad? She smiled, and wrapped her fingers around his large hand.

"I'm Ji Hera," she introduced herself.

"Okay, Hera. I'll see you in school. I should head back now," he said. "My bodyguard is already giving away my details to my brother. Bye."

She smiled, and waved at him as he jogged away. "Did I just make the first friend of my life?" she asked herself and chuckled. "Wow!" she shook her head, and headed back home.

Suho was preparing breakfast when she reached home, "Hera! Get ready fast. It's your first day of school," he exclaimed. Her brother looked more excited about it, and she felt warm with the thought.



Dear Diary,

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