27 | As It Drowns In The Sorrow

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Please drop comments? I would love to hear your theories.

Hera stared outside as the car drove her to the school premises. Baekhyun was in another car, and since Lisa and Irene went straight their homes after dinner, she was alone in the car. Her thoughts traveled back to dinner, and how many subtle hints the queen dropped in her direction as if she knew about her involvement with Baekhyun.

"Ma'am, Please get out of the car." The driver turned to her, and she frowned. Looking ahead, she realized that the car had stopped, not in front of the school gate, but in the middle of nowhere.

"What's going on?" she asked, but the driver just opened the door and gestured her to come out. Trembling in fear, she jumped to grab her phone, but the man snatched it from her. "Why are you doing this to me?" She screamed, scared out of her mind. The man shook his head, and pulled her out of the car. Another car came from behind, and the queen herself climbed down to greet her. Hera gulped as she came face to face with the woman.

"Hera, am I right?" The queen asked, and she nodded meekly. Her anxiety was increasing second by second as she felt the guards surrounding them. "What is your relationship with my grandchild?"

"Friends!" She replied quickly. Too quickly. "We're good friends. I swear, there's nothing going on as you're suspecting. We just hang out sometimes...and there's nothing between us-"

"I never said there is." The queen raised her eyebrows, and she felt her breath caught in her throat. "Lying is a bad habit. Don't you think so, Hera?"


Just then her phone started ringing. The driver looked at the cellphone and then at the queen. "It's Prince Baekhyun." He gave the phone to queen.

"I didn't know you're allowed to keep phones in school. Not at least commoners."

It was the phone Joy had gifted her as a Christmas present to stay in touch with everyone during holidays. Especially Baekhyun. Hera didn't want to take the expensive gift, but when Joy told her that it was the first time, she was gifting someone something with heart, Hera couldn't say no.

"The thing is..." Hera gulped as she played with her fingers. The queen scoffed, and gestured her to talk as she received the call.

"Hera, where are you?" Baekhyun's voice came from the other side, and she felt restless as tears rolled down her cheeks. "You there? Where are you?"

She cleared her throat. "I... I'm stuck in the traffic. I'll be there soon."

"Traffic? Come on, no one stops the royal cars."

"The thing is... I don't like breaking the traffic rules, so I insisted on-"

"Aah! Hera, why are you like this?" He whined cutely. "I've been waiting for you for ages. We're going home tomorrow."

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