12 | The Turning Point

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"Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Hera looked up, and stiffened when she saw Joy standing by her side. Her usually cold face was a bit different today, and it confused the brunette more than it should. "What did I do?" she cringed when her voice trembled a bit. She had always been afraid of the particular royal because of her sharp gaze and commanding aura.

The princess tilted her head. "I won't bite. Come out." She gestured to the door, and Hera nodded. Placing the book back in the self, she walked out of the library and met Joy in the corridor.

"Are you bothered by my friendship with Baekhyun?" Hera guessed as soon as she stood in front of Joy. "That's why you're here. Right?"

"I do believe there's a lot more than friendship between you and Baekhyun?" Joy raised her eyebrows, and Hera looked away, slightly embarrassed. "But, that's not why I'm here."

"Huh?" Now, the commoner was curious. What made Joy come to meet her if not for prince Baekhyun?

"Baek is old enough to understand what he wants. He's living in the present, and it's actually great," Joy said, her eyes holding a distant look. "It's my fault. I lived in between the future and present, and messed up things."

"I'm really not getting what you're trying to say," Hera fumbled with her hands innocently, and she stared down at the girl.

Joy smiled. "I'm glad you're not."


"I'm here to say something, Hera."

The brunette regarded her carefully. "I don't understand?" she asked, not really getting the situation.

"I envied you since the moment you entered my life. In this school." Joy gestured to her to walk, and they strolled in the corridor. "Don't mind me, I like this Princess role. I like to help people, but sometimes pressure becomes too much." She glanced at Hera. "I'm sorry, I'm talking in puzzles, you must not be understanding-"

"I do. I mean I'm trying." Hera nodded carefully.

"I'm taught to respect my queen's decision, and when she told me that Baekhyun is going to be my husband... I bowed down to her, and accepted my fate," Joy started. "I was in the US that time. I only had memories of him from our childhood, but they weren't enough, so I tried to meet him as soon as I landed in Korea."

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