16 | In My Veins

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"This is my mother's doing. Right?"

Yeeun looked at him, her eyes teared up as she stared at her lover's helpless face. He was going through it as well, but at that moment she was angry. She didn't want to hear his excuses.

"I'm selected there, Yeeun." His voice was strong, but she could feel the tremor behind it. He was trying to be strong for her.

"So, you're going to leave me?" She threw her hands up in the air, and inhaled sharply. "Just like that? Is it that easy?"

"I'm sorry," Vernon said as he tried to hold her hand, but she stepped away. "It's not easy to leave you, Yeeun, but I've to go to America. My future could be much more better-"

"This is a trap!" She cried out. "Don't you see? My mother is trying to take you away from me."

"She just wants what is best for you." His glassy eyes stared at her. "A baker's son is no match for the royal princess, Yeeun. She's right."

"What about me?" She let her tears fall, and pushed a hand over her mouth to swallow her sons. "What about my opinion? Who are you people to decide what is best for me?"

Vernon grabbed her hand, and pulled her into his arms. "Calm down, please." His hand caressed her back gently. "I'll come back to you, but you've to let me go for now."

Yeeun clutched his shirt in her hands, but had no idea whether she wanted to push him or make him stay with her. It was an end to her happy days. She wanted him to stay and fight for her. To fight for her happiness. She had no idea who she was without him.

It had been like she found herself in his soul. As if the meaning of life started and ended with him. She had never felt such a strong feeling for someone else. It was him.

Just him.

Just Vernon.

"I'm breaking up with you." She finally found her strength, and pushed him back. "I'm leaving you."


"Come back to me?" She asked as her tears dried away. She refused to cry anymore. "My family will make sure to keep you there, and you'll accept the privilege of the scene. Right? That's what everyone has been doing for years with me."

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