Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
|Fear doesn't mean weak|

Leanna Russel

When I went home last night, Adam was so worried about me as he learned what had happened from Trina and he made it his mission to make sure that I was completely all right. He did everything for me, cooked for me dinner, made me eat it with my other hand and even massaged me. He was perfect and I can't ask for a better fiancée and soon to be husband which I can't wait for to happen. When I had told him that I was all right and he didn't need to worry like that, he just shook his head.

He told me that I got hurt and he was there to take care of me and he needed then practice since he would be taking care of me throughout the pregnancy when we do start our family. I could only have laughed at that and told him how much I love him. The next morning that I woke up my wrist was a bit worse. Bruises have started to form and I can see his fingerprints and his finer nails shape as they had dug their way into my skin.

Standing in the bathroom I look at my wrist. I've never had something like this before and when it does hurt, it also shows that I'm strong. I was attacked, the first time in my life and I survived. This is like my very own battle scar. Going out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where Adam has created breakfast for us. "Aw, you shouldn't have" I tell him as I sit down. He shakes his head. "I want to. Only the best for my future wife and now that you're hurting, I need to make sure your extra safe" He says to me as he sits down next to me.

He takes my hand and examines my wrist a bit. I can see a flash of hurt come across his eyes that he tries to hide but I see it. He can't hide that from me. Then he looks up at me and softly smiles. "I wish you wouldn't go to work today. It's just too soon and I can't allow you to get hurt again" He tells me. I put my hand over his one and smile brightly at him. "It will be all right. I've been assured that none of that will ever happen again" I tell him but I know that is not enough to convince him as he doesn't look convinced.

Not one bit and I let out a sigh. "Soon this will disappear and we'll be going on with our lives like before" I tell him and he nods. I don't know if that was enough to convince him but he does drop it, though I do get the feeling that we will talk about this again later tonight as he will see the bruises again. We eat our breakfast and then I go to our room and dress myself in clothes. I do wear a long sleeve sweater to cover my wrist as I don't want anyone to see it.

Yesterday there were so many asking me if I were all right and some of the guards said that they failed in protecting me, whatever that means but I suppose they just felt guilty for what happened. Somehow his chains were on correctly and that is the reason why he was able to come so close to me. However, since there are no cameras in my office and he had already been removed, there is very little someone can do to investigate it.

Wednesdays are the ones that I'm most busy. I've made it through half of the day. Trina and Kaden sit with me eating lunch and I can feel some tension in the air. She doesn't like him and he doesn't like her for some reason that I don't know yet but they both stay there for me. Because neither of them want to leave me alone and they actually stood outside my office, watching through the window while I was in sessions to keep an eye on me and make sure I was safe.

I honestly found it rather funny when they started bickering outside the door and every so often hit one another when I would glance at the door. Right now they glare at each other like they want to hurt the other person while I sit here, trying to eat my lunch and not get in the middle. "Trina, aren't you hungry?" I ask as she hasn't touched her food. She's too busy glaring at Kaden who is eating his food without looking and is rather messy with it. "Nope" She answers without looking at me.

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