Chapter 4: Madison

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I stepped out of my car, letting the valet take my keys along with the ten dollars I had for a tip. I could barely hear his thank you as I stared up at the building in front of me. The nerves that I hadn't felt over the last week were suddenly back and in full force. Noelle had told me what to expect and how to act while I was here, but it was one of those things where the magnitude of what you were about to do didn't hit you until you were about to do it.

I stepped up to the front door, nodding my thanks to the guy who held it open for me. Walking inside, I was prepared to see stone walls and chains hanging down near sconces filled with fire on sticks.

Okay, yeah, my imagination was a little overactive. Sue me. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the room I was in was painted a very calming, light blue color with tan stripes going down the walls. It wasn't too busy or dark lit, and I began to relax as I got to the front desk where a receptionist waited with a knowing smile.

"This must be your first time here," she said with a husky voice. I looked into her deep brown eyes that were just a shade darker than her skin, and marveled at the long tiny braids in her hair. I couldn't even begin to imagine how long those took to get done.

"What gave it away?"

"Other than the surprise and stiffness in your shoulders? Not much," she teased lightly.

I laughed with her, realizing she probably saw that a lot with newbies. "You got me there. I'm Madison."

Her eyes lit up as she took the hand I'd offered out. "Oh, Noelle's friend? She told me you were coming tonight!"

Recognition clicked. "And you must be Tasha." Noelle had told me about her sister Cindy and her wife, and that they owned the club together. When Noelle had said she had connections, she hadn't been lying.

"Yep! Any friend of Noelle's is a friend of mine and Cin's." She pressed a button on an earpiece I hadn't noticed and spoke into it. "Hey love, Madison is here. Yep, that one. You got it." She pressed the button again and got up from the desk. "I'm going to show you to Cindy, and then she'll take care of you from there. Don't forget, that if you ever feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, that's okay. You can leave or break a scene at any time, and no one will judge you for it."

I nodded gratefully and followed her down a hall and around a corner, going into a side room when she opened the door and motioned for me to go in.

"Have a kinky fun time, and welcome to Stripes!" I smiled and waved at Tasha before she shut the door softly, leaving me to wander around the room. It was decorated like a little office, with a few comfy chairs scattered around a long desk. I began to check out the art on the walls but I didn't have long to wait before the door opened again and a tall woman came striding in, pushing her long black hair over her shoulder. I knew it was Cindy instantly, seeing the resemblance to Noelle.

"Madison, it's so good to meet you!" She came right over and wrapped me in a hug that I didn't even know I'd needed. After a few seconds, she stepped back and placed her hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. Something about her calm gaze made me feel like she could read my soul like a book, and it unnerved me just a tiny bit.

"G-good to meet you too Cindy," I stammered out nervously.

She smiled and stepped away, going round to sit at the desk, motioning for me to take a seat.

"I can understand the nerves, Noelle filled me in on your experience with this lifestyle and the training she helped you through. But trust me, you're more well-prepared than most of the newbies we get here. I just have a few forms for you to fill out, and then we'll get you a mask and an appropriate room."

I nodded quietly, knowing the gist since Noelle had explained how it worked. I'd have and NDA agreement to sign, as well as a questionnaire to fill out so that I could get matched up with the right agent.

I pulled the documents that Cindy handed to me to my side of the desk and looked the over. The NDA was standard, and I signed that one easily. It was the next three pages that freaked me out just a little.

The first one just asked my preference for male or female, and their physical appearance. I filled that out easily, and moved on to the last two documents.

Mark the box below to indicate your preferences. I noticed there three boxes labeled "green", "yellow", and "red" and I knew what that meant from the books I'd read and what Noelle had told me. There was an option next to each item listed, and the further I skimmed down the list, the more my nerves hit me.

"Now remember Madison, this questionnaire you'll be filling out is going to have a lot of options. Don't freak out by the number. Just fill out the greens based on what you know from experience, the yellows from what turns you on to think about participating in, and the reds for things you absolutely know you don't want. And you can always change your preferences, so don't think that this is the end-all be-all. Just go with what feels comfortable for you."

I took a deep breath to calm myself, remembering what Noelle had told me on our last pseudo-training before my coming here. Feeling much more calm, I went down the list and marked my interests before handing them back to Cindy with trembling hands. She traded me for a pure white mask, and waited as I placed it over my eyes.

She glanced through my papers and nodded sharply. "Perfect. Let me take you to the room, and as soon as I have these scanned in to our system and have the right agent set up for you, a green light will come on near the door. That will give you two minutes to prepare yourself, and then the agent will come in. Your mask has a panic button on the left hand side near your cheek, and if anything goes wrong just press that button or say 'stripes', either will trigger an emergency alarm for both Tasha and myself, as well as the nearest member of our security team.

"It's not something you should have to worry about as all of our agents are vetted and trained, but we like to make sure to keep our members and clients safe above all else. Any questions?"

I blurted out the one thing I'd been wondering since Noelle had told me the name of the club. "Why is it called stripes?"

Cindy let out a light laugh and stood while I followed suit. "Have you ever seen skin that's been whipped? The marks look like stripes. Figured it fit."

I chuckled with her and we fell into companionable silence down the hall to the room I was going to be changing my whole life in.

Maybe that was dramatic, but that's what it felt like. I had never done anything like this before, and if you had asked me three years ago if I would ever be in a place like this, I would've laughed until I cried. Crazy how things can change.

Cindy ushered me into a room, and I got a quick look around before turning back to her.

"Oh, and one last thing, what do you want to go by while you're here? You don't have to use your real name."

I thought about it for half a second, before the answer fell from my lips before I could stop it.


Cindy smiled a knowing smile, and then whisked the door closed, leaving me alone with nothing but my second thoughts.

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