Chapter 14: Luke

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I prayed with all my heart that Madison couldn't feel my hands trembling. I wasn't nervous- I was sure of what I was doing; I'd had plenty of practice to know how to watch a sub for their breaking point, how to wield my hands and tools to bring someone to the pinnacle of pleasure and pain. And I knew Madison like the other half of my heart, so I wasn't afraid of taking anything too far.

My hands were trembling at the sight of having her laying across my lap, the strings and lace of her outfit (if you could really call it that) only serving to tease me with what I couldn't see. I was nearly vibrating with excitement, my cock hard as fuck under her soft stomach, and I slowly took a deep breath and let it out before beginning. I gave one last squeeze of her ass cheek before pulling away and coming back with a slap that cracked through the room and made her jump, but only out of surprise. I was starting off light to get her used to the idea of laying across my lap and taking what I gave her, going along on her trust in me.

"Do you know what subspace is?" I asked right before landing another slap on the other cheek, loving the way her body reacted to the force with a little jiggle that had me landing another rapid slap just to watch it again.

"Ah, I've read about it," she managed to say in the brief pause. "It's like a head space for the sub when he or she gets to a point where they feel all soft and floaty right?"

I hummed in approval, adding several slaps that landed a little harder and started turning her skin a soft pink color. She let out quiet gasps with each strike, her body shifting slightly in my grip. I smoothed my hand over the skin to soothe her while I continued to speak.

"That's a very basic way to put it. It's generally induced during pain play, when your endorphins or adrenaline kick in. For some it feels floaty like you said, some feel like their body is buzzing and they can't focus their eyes."

I was continuing to spank her during my speech, little cries coming out of her that told me just how much she liked it. She wasn't trying to get away, even raising her hips in a plead for more when I paused too long, and I swear the lace between her legs was getting darker and darker with her juices with every second.

"I can't wait to take you there Angel, to show you what it feels like to be so high on the pain that you feel like you're flying. To see your skin flushed all over from my hands and my tools, and from your need that I can fucking smell from here."

She let out a long, needy moan that had my fingers running down between her thighs to feel how wet she was.

"Fuck Angel, I've barely gotten started and you're already soaked. You want it harder?"

"Yes!" She gasped it out, turning her head enough so that I could meet her gaze. "Please, Sir. I need more."

"Jesus," I muttered with a wondering shake of my head. "You're perfect baby."

Her cheeks turned pink at the compliment and she turned her head back and leaned her forehead on the mattress with a small smile . "Thank you," she whispered softly.

"No, thank you." I was astounded and honored that she was even here giving me this chance, and I didn't have the words to tell her what it meant to me to be getting this second chance with her.

Upping the intensity, I started back in on the spanking, my hand moving from the top of her ass down to mid-thigh and reveling in her sounds and sighs, her body shifting and rubbing against me. When my hand came down considerably harder on the skin just under the curve of her butt, she threw her head back on a cry, her legs falling open enough for me to see her wetness all over her pussy.

Knowing this was her reaction to the pain was one thing, seeing it was another. I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my arms around her securely enough that I could just move her to the bed, her hips at the edge while she laid face down and her toes barely touching the ground with how raised the bed was. She bounced a little with the force I'd used to basically toss her to the bed before kneeling down behind her and spreading her legs apart.

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