Chapter 15: Madison

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The sigh that escaped me at the sight of another box by my front door as I got back home from some appointments was one filled with reluctant excitement. It'd been two weeks since the spanking session with Luke, and ever since he'd been sending me small, random gifts. There'd been a small wrist corsage that almost exactly matched the one he'd gotten me for out first prom. There'd been a book of word searches with special highlighters, something that I'd always enjoyed doing. There'd been a pair of shoes that I'd been contemplating buying that I'm sure he'd asked Celeste about but who had denied any involvement in Luke's subtle seduction techniques.

Oh yes, I had a feeling I knew what he was doing. Even in the three training sessions we'd had since going to lunch together, we never mentioned the gifts he left me. We'd mainly just done protocol training, things like how to act when around other Doms and subs, posture, positions I needed to be able to get into with one word or gesture, etc. Three erotic sessions full of tension and need, and yet he hadn't touched me any more than necessary since. He had given me permission to give myself orgasms, which was a relief. It just wasn't the same, and something in me ached for more.

I picked up the long, thin box and noticed that it was incredibly light. I unlocked the door and dropped all my stuff by the door before taking the box up to my room to open. I untied the ribbon as I went up the stairs, holding onto it while I turned into my room. I set the box on the bed and opened it to see tissue paper, and when I peeled it back I couldn't help the little gasp at the sight before me.

I reached in and pulled out a peach colored, one-piece lace onesie. It was so incredibly soft, and I already knew that I would barely even feel it when I wore it. It was cinched just slightly at the waist, and the top was two strips of lace that narrowed up near the shoulders and then went down to the material that would hit just above my bottom. The sides of the bottom looked high-cut, which meant plenty of me would be showing but all the naughty bits would end up covered. Looking back in the box, I noticed a matching garter belt and nude thigh-highs.

I started to put it all back in the box, shaking my head at Luke's audacity, when I had a much better idea. Pausing to think whether this decision was wise, I said "fuck it" out loud to myself and pulled everything out of the box, laying it gently on my bed.

I walked out of the room and down to the kitchen, pouring and quickly downing a shot of tequila before filling a large glass with wine. Grabbing the bottle to bring with and sipping my drink, I went back upstairs. I needed a little liquid courage to go through with my plan, dumb on my part it might have been. I played my "Current Obsessions" playlist on my phone and set it next to my wine on the bathroom counter before stripping and jumping into the shower.

I took my time washing off the dirt of the day, singing along to my music while shaving and buffing ever inch of my body. If I was going to put on what I knew to be pricey lingerie, I was going to give it the effort it deserved. Once I'd finished in the shower and lotioned up my body, letting it air dry while I blew out my hair to a wavy mass of auburn strands and applied subtly sensual makeup, just enough to enhance my features but not go overboard. And, of course, I managed to nearly finish my bottle of wine in the process.

By the time I began slipping into the soft peach lace, I was well past tipsy and nearly drunk, but not too far gone. I was still in control of myself, but I felt so free and light that my plan seemed like a great idea instead of a sketchy one- which is the feeling I'd been going for in the first place.

Minutes later I attached the last strap of the garter belt to the stocking and ambled over to my full length mirror by my closet, phone in hand. Studying myself, I was more than pleased with the final result. My cheeks were slightly flushed from the alcohol, my lips red and slightly swollen from all the nervous biting I'd been doing. My generous curves nearly spilled out of the lace that was shaded just a touch darker than my skin.

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