Chapter 6: Madison

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Of all the things I expected to see and find here, Luke was not at the top of the list. Hell, he wasn't even on the list. I thought he was still states away on a job offer he'd gotten around the same time Celeste and Liam had gotten together. I had so many questions for him, but all I could wrap my brain around was the fact that it was Luke that had made me explode like that. I was still shaking and throbbing from the aftereffects. Part of me was horrified that he'd seen me like this, and the other part of me just wanted him to do it all over again.

Which kind of pissed me off, to be honest. I put my hands on his chest and pushed myself off, trying to straighten my skirt while standing on wobbly legs.

"Hold on Mads, you need to-"

I slapped his hands away, my cheeks on fire with anger and embarrassment. "Don't tell me what I need to do. And I don't need your help. You've done enough."

"Angel, just take a second."

"Don't call me that! You have no right. None!" To my horror, I could feel tears welling in my eyes. I needed to get out of there before they fell. I didn't want his sympathy, his care. He reached out to help me and I stepped back quickly, losing my balance a little and stumbling away from him. I turned and moved towards the bag I'd left in a corner, trying to just get away as tears began to fall.


I froze at the tone in Luke's voice, something about the deep and commanding note keeping me in place and sending shivers through me. I quickly wiped the tears from my face before turning to look at him. He stood in the same place, legs spread and arms crossed over his chest, the black shirt he wore doing nothing to hide the muscles he had underneath.

When I'd looked up at him and took him in just minutes ago without knowing who he was, my breath had left me. Just like it did now. Sure I was pissed at him- but I couldn't deny that Luke was a nearly perfect specimen of the male species.

I watched silently as he unfolded his arms and came towards me. The look in his eyes commanded me to stay, and this new side of me couldn't help but obey that silent command.

"Madison, I'm sorry."

I opened my mouth to yell at him some more, but the look he gave me had me snapping my mouth shut once more.

"Just listen for a minute, and then if you never want to see or speak to me again, so be it."

I let out a disgruntled noise, but I motioned for him to continue.

"I'm so fucking sorry for everything. For not being able to be what you needed years ago. For not telling you who I was the moment I realized it was you in here. But I'm not sorry for touching you, for making you come. It was the most beautiful thing I've seen in a very, very long time."

Heat rose in my face, and I couldn't believe I was blushing. In front of Luke, of all people. He knew me better than anyone, even Celeste, and I had no reason to be embarrassed. But something about being so submissive, the complete control I'd given over to him, had me itching to escape his gaze. We'd been intimate and had no shortage of experimenting while we'd been together, but we'd never done anything like what we'd just done.

"It's fine, just forget I was ever here. I need to go." I rushed out of the room before he could say anything else to stop me, ignoring his voice calling after me as I escaped.

"Alright Madison, spill."

I froze, loaded nacho chip halfway to my mouth at Celeste's demand. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Mhmm. So you're just not going to tell me what happened at this secret club?"

"I'd rather not, if I'm being honest." A look of hurt crossed her face, and I sighed and set the chip down. "Look, it's just too much. I don't want to think or talk about it right now. I promise to tell you soon, but can we just forget about it tonight?"

Her eyes softened in sympathy as she nodded. "Of course, whatever you need." She then proceeded to steal the perfectly stacked nacho chip I had planned on eating, shoving it into her mouth with a grin before I could even protest.

"You jerk!" I laughed with her, shaking my head at her antics. "How's Abigail doing?"

Her eyes softened and I knew my trick had worked. "She's so freaking cute Mads, I can't even... Even when she won't stop crying, all I want to do is cuddle her squishy little face."

Ignoring the pang in my heart for my past losses, I smiled at her. "I can't believe she's already going to be five months soon."

"Right? The time just goes by so fast. I feel like I haven't had any time for anything else. But I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"You and Liam make amazing parents. I know I've said it before, but I'm so fucking happy for you guys."

Celeste's eyes brimmed with tears, and she sniffed them away. "Thanks Mads, that means a lot coming from you."

"Of course dude, you know I love you."

"Aww, she loooves meeee," she teased as I rolled my eyes with a grin.

"That's right, my plan is to seduce you away from Liam. I can't believe you never noticed how good we'd be together."

"What? Of course I did. I just prefer bananas over cherries," she winked.

I groaned, trying to block that sentence from my mind. "Jesus Celeste, could you be any worse?"

She opened her mouth, wide grin on her face, and I shushed her before she had a chance to say anything else.

"Forget I asked, just eat the goddamn nachos so you can go home and bang your husband."

"Yes ma'am!"

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