Chapter 5: Luke

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I was chatting with some of the other guys in the dressing room when a knock sounded on the door. We all turned to see Cindy step into the room, hand over her eyes. All of us guys rolled our eyes with a smile, knowing that she had no interest in what we were packing. We appreciated the effort she took to make sure we were comfortable here, all teasing included.

"Luke, I've got a special one for you tonight. Get out here so I can go over it with you."

The three other guys let out choruses of "oohs" and teasing pushes, making me chuckle as I followed Cindy out of the room and around the corner to her office.

"How's this one special?" I was curious to know, since I hadn't gotten anything like this for a while now. I sat in a chair as Cindy pulled up the profile on a tablet and handed it over to me so I could check it out.

I waited to look, knowing she had something in particular to tell me that this profile couldn't.

"She's very new to this lifestyle. Very interested, as you will see by what preferences she marked, but has little actual experience. She seems a tad skittish, but eager. You're good with the newer, inexperienced ones and you fit well within what she's looking for. I'm positive that you two are a good match for sessions here."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you thinking about placing her as a regular for me?"

"I am. But it depends on how this first session goes."

I opened the tablet and looked over the stats and preferences that she would have filled out.

Angel. 5'6". Dark red hair. Green eyes. Curvy. The stats stirred up a memory of Madison, knowing that she had similar features. And it was weird that her name was Angel too, since that had been my nickname for Madison. Shaking that off, I skimmed down the list of things she was or wasn't into. Green for spanking, hair pulling, dirty talking, and submitting. Red for physical sex, long lasting marks, permanent damage, scat play, water sports, and anything involving other parties- male or female. And kissing, apparently. Not many marked that as a red, but I was relieved to see it since that was one of my hard limits. In fact, all our reds lined up except for the "long lasting marks". It was a yellow for me, so I could take it or leave it.

I was surprised to see how many yellows she had though, for someone who was so new to this. Usually you saw many more reds with the inexperienced ones, but in Angel's case even more extreme things like anal fisting had been marked with a yellow. A twinge of excitement lit in me at the prospect of being able to show someone so much.

I finally glanced back up at Cindy, and satisfaction was clear on her face. I didn't even question how she knew I was already so invested; she just knew things. Plus, I was eager to go and meet this Angel.

"Alright, get out of here. Just be careful with this one, she seems... fragile."

"Of course." I thought about her words as I made my way back to the dressing room, pressing the "go" button on the tablet that would let Angel know I would be coming soon. A two minute countdown popped up on the corner of the screen, letting me know when I could go in. I finished getting ready, thoughts of what this woman would be like running through my mind all the way up until I got to the assigned room, knocking gently before opening the door.

Her back was to me, and I observed her as I walked in. Her head tilted to follow the sounds of my steps but she didn't look up from her spot on the floor, a pillow under her legs to protect them from the hardwood in her kneeling position. I was impressed by the natural obedience I could already see, and the light dress she wore that hugged her tits until it floated around her hips and legs tantalized me.

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