Chapter 18: Luke

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The crick in my neck from falling asleep on the couch was enough to wake me up sometime in the early morning. I'd popped out the recliner on the side of the couch I was on, and Madison was curled up partially in my lap, partially under my arm. My heart swelled at the sight of waking up next to her for the first time in years, and I had to swallow down my emotion.

Moving carefully, I got out from under her and stretched before reaching down to pick her up and take her to her bed. She mumbled slightly when I started to move her, and then curled into me once I'd lifted her up. I smiled happily when she nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck, something she had always done. I'd just reached the first step to the second level when I felt something that had me nearly stumbling.

I paused, waiting, and then felt it again. Madison's lips moving gently on my neck, and her tongue peeking out to lick a small patch.

"Madison?" My voice was soft and raspy, having just woken up but not wanting to startle her awake if she wasn't already.

"Keep moving," she whispered right back.

Fuck, my mind whispered. Inside my chest, my heart went from a steady beat to something erratic, and I used all my concentration to not stumble as I walked up the stairs, Madison's mouth and tongue teasing me the whole time. I pushed the door open to her room, and it wasn't until I was right next to the bed that Madison lifted her head. Her eyes were bright, pupils blown wide to show her desire.

"I need you, Luke."

Those were words I'd been waiting to hear for what felt like a fucking lifetime. I said nothing, putting her down so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Minimal light filtered in through the shades over her window, the sun just barely rising. It backlit Madison, making her look like a fiery-haired, wanton goddess. Yes, she was in sweats and an old, stained t-shirt. She had a few crease marks on her face from where my shirt had wrinkled against her skin. Her curly hair was tangled and higher on one side.

And she was perfect.

I knelt in front of her, moving her legs apart so that I could sandwich myself between them. I lifted the bottom of her shirt up slightly with a finger.

"Take this off for me, Angel."

She moved slowly, not out of apprehension, but in order to tease me a little more, to build the anticipation of the moment. I wasn't sure what had changed in the last few hours, but something inside me was telling me that this was it, the moment I'd be inside Madison for the first time since we'd divorced. It was a heavy, important moment to me, and the weight of that hung in the air between us.

Once she was sitting in front of me topless, nipples hard and straining already, I reached forward and cupped them in my hands. She groaned and pushed her chest out towards me, trying to get me to touch her more.

Quicker than she could stop me, I pulled my hands back and then reached out to slap her tits. Not hard, just enough to startle her and test her reaction.


She took a couple seconds to think about it before answering. "Green."

"Good. Now, I want you to sit still while I worship these perfect tits. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir!"

Her enthusiasm made me chuckle

"I don't want to go slow. I don't want you to hold back Sir."

"It's not about what you want." The sassy brat that I knew was in Madison began to raise an eyebrow at the statement, but I continued before she could open that mouth and get her in trouble. "But lucky for you, I want the same thing."

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