Chapter 21: Madison

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I hummed happily along to the song I heard Luke playing upstairs in our room while I finished off the last of dinner. It'd been a few weeks since my apology to Luke at Stripes, and they'd been amazing. We'd gone to our first counseling session together as a couple a few days ago, and I could tell that it was going to do wonders for helping us work through everything we needed to. 

I could see everything coming together, and I hadn't felt this kind of peace in my life for a very long time.

I was stirring salad ingredients together in a bowl when I heard my phone start to ring on the counter. I glanced at it and saw the name "Sarah Lawyer" flashing across the screen. Confused as to the reason she'd be calling randomly at this time of night, I grabbed it quickly and answered.


"Hi Madison! Sorry to call so late at night," Sarah apologized.

"It's only 7, so it's not too late. Although I am confused why you're calling at all."

"Well, I heard you and Luke have been working things out, so I just wanted to check in, see how things were going."

"I don't think I want to know how you even found out, but things are going really well actually."

"I'm so happy to hear that!"

Something in her voice had my mental alerts ringing. "Why do you sound... weird?"

"Oh that," she laughed awkwardly. "Well, I was also calling because I had some news for you, which may or may not be exciting at this point in time."

"Okay," I said, dragging the word out and preparing for the worst.

"Well, see, when I filed the divorce papers for you after they were all signed and everything, I was sure that was all taken care of. In the process of packing up yesterday for a move, I found the file in a pile of old mail I'd apparently misplaced with information from the city clerk and well... long story short, there was an error with the paperwork, and it never got processed."

I froze, mind whirling. "Wait. Does that mean that... Luke and I were never officially divorced?"

"Yes, technically. That's what that means. Now, I can fix the paperwork and send it back in if you like," she proposed. She sounded like she was about to give a different option, but I interrupted her before she could finish.

"No! Please, just um, hold on to it for me? I can call you back once I've dropped the bomb on Luke, if that's alright."

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry that I didn't get this taken care of before. But then again, I always thought that you and Luke belonged together."

Again, something in her voice alerted me to some kind of underlying meaning. "Sarah. Did you do this on purpose?"

"What?! How could you think that of me?"

I grinned into the phone, shaking my head even though she couldn't see. Her protests didn't sound exactly believable, but I was going to let her get away with it. For now.

"If you say so," I said with a light laugh. "Thank you for calling either way."

"No problem, Madison. And congrats on the baby!"

She hung up before I could say anything else, shock and realization running through me. Celeste was the only other person who knew that I was, in fact, pregnant- and so could've been the only one to tell Sarah about everything going on. I hadn't even gotten the guts to bring up the baby to Luke yet, something that I'd planned on remedying tonight.

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