Chapter 8: Madison

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"Ms. Lee? Are you still with us?"

I jerked in my seat, turning to look at my boss standing at the head of the meeting table. I could feel myself blushing from embarrassment of being caught daydreaming, but I cleared my throat and nodded.

"Yes Mr. Rittle. Apologies," I said and stood, gathering the thin binders for the presentation we were here for and began handing them out while he continued.

I tuned him out, having heard this speech a thousand times while helping him prepare for it. I should've been paying attention earlier so that I knew when to hand the folders out without any prompting, but it was a little late for that now. While my boss talked over stats with the heads of the departments for the advertising company I worked as Mr. Rittle's personal assistant at, I went back to my thoughts of tonight.

I hadn't been able to get thoughts of Luke out of my head since he'd left yesterday. Even the small bit of submission I'd given him while kneeling on my kitchen floor had turned me on more than the last erotica novel I'd read. I'd always been attracted to Luke, but when he was in his Dom persona my panties were soaked and useless in seconds.

I could admit to myself that he was the only one I'd want to train me in this lifestyle. I already knew and trusted him, and he was obviously experienced enough. What was harder to swallow were all the feelings I still had for him that I thought had faded over the last two years apart. I knew myself well enough to know that it wouldn't be difficult for me to fall for him all over again.

So I just had to make sure that this was what I wanted, and that I would be able to keep my heart my own.

The shuffling of papers and more than one voice brought me out of my reverie, and I realized that I'd been stewing over the situation the whole presentation. I quickly stood and began to clean up after the meeting, making sure that there were no refreshments or anything left over since it'd been a breakfast meeting.

After I'd thought everyone had cleared out, I set my palms on the nearby table and leaned my head down, letting out a deep breath.

"Is everything okay Madison?" Mr. Rittle's voice gently broke the silence, and I turned to see him leaning in the doorway, looking at me with an expression of mild concern. He was in his mid-60's and stood at about my height of 5'6", with a full head of pure white hair and while he was in fairly good shape, he had a bit of a belly that his wife always affectionately called her little tub'o'love. The first time I'd met the quirky woman, I'd instantly loved her. The two of them were a perfect match and he was a great boss.

I gave him a smile that I was sure looked strained, and stood up straight. "Just had a long night is all."

He studied me, his ice blue eyes taking everything in and seeming to come to a conclusion that I wasn't telling him everything. Which wasn't wrong. While he had a tendency to overshare at times (only when it was just the two of us around), I tended to keep everything tightly inside.

"Why don't you go ahead and take the rest of the day off. I don't really need you today since Marcy and I are spending the day together after lunch."

"Oh, but I have to check my emails and..." I trailed off as he began to shake his head.

"They can wait until you come back in. Take today for yourself and don't worry about work for once."

"If you insist," I said with relief. I was grateful for the small reprieve. I finished in the conference room and then grabbed my things to head home. I spaced out the whole drive home, only realizing I'd gotten home once I'd parked in my driveway.

All the thoughts were so confused and unorganized in my head, and I knew exactly what I'd be doing once I got into more comfortable clothes.

About fifteen minutes later, I was seated at my desk in my office, a blank paper in front of me and my favorite pen in hand. I drew a line down the middle and another near the top, and wrote "pro" and "con" on each side.

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