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two weeks later

jimin walked in his office, he greeted everyone on the way as usual and sat down on the chair in his cabin.

he opened his laptop and started working when there was a knock on the door, he mumbled a 'come in' without looking up.

"Sir, boss has called you in his cabin" the employee said as jimin looked up and nodded.

"okay i'll go, thank you for informing" jimin says as the employee bows and exits the cabin.

ten minutes later, jimin was in his boss's cabin wondering why he had called him now.

"ah Mr.Park, i have something to tell you" Mr.Kim said as jimin nodded

"i'm afraid i'm gonna have to fire you" Mr.Kim said

jimin's eyes didn't widen nor did he gasp dramatically, everything paused for a few seconds as he registered what his boss had just said, was he really going to get fired from the office he dreamed of working in?

"but why?" jimin asked trying his best not to sound squeaky or angry

"we've been told that there has been a big fraud in your department" Mr. Kim said as jimin furrowed his eyebrows

"what?! no sir! that's not possible" jimin said as Mr. Kim shrugged.

"we have proof Mr.Park" as the words fall out from mr. kim's mouth, jimin knew that there was no way he could keep his job.

he silently walked out of his boss's cabin, he was sure that this was someone's doing because no way in hell would he ever even think of doing a fraud.

but jimin had always been nice to everyone so why would anyone to such a thing to him?

to say that jimin was angry would be an understatement, not only was he fired for a false reason from his dream job but it will also be hard as hell for him to find a new job because he would have to tell them why he had been fired from the last one.

jimin sighed as he packed up all of his things and headed home.

meanwhile, yoongi had been extremely bored sitting at home so he decided to go over to jungkook and jimin's apartment which by now had become their hang out spot.

he opened the door to see taehyung and jungkook playing videos games and fighting like small children.

"hey kids" yoongi said as the two looked at him and waved.

"hyung come play we have another controller" jungkook said as he tossed a controller to yoongi and the three ended up playing games for hours while screaming and shouting.

after about two hours of playing games, the three decided that they were hungry and thought of making ramen.

"taehyung go make it, you never make food" yoongi said as taehyung pouted but went in the kitchen anyway.

all of a sudden, the door was opened with a loud thud as the three watched jimin come in with a box, he threw it on the couch and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"oooh whats that" taehyung asked as jimin shook his head and mumbled a small 'nothing'.

"jimin is something wrong?" yoongi asked as he looked at jimin but got nothing from the younger.

"jimin, what happened? is everything alright?" yoongi asked and jimin looked up.

"yes hyung everything is fine" jimin said as yoongi furrowed his eyebrows

"are you sure because it doesn't look like-"

"can you stop?! can you fucking stop putting your nose in my business?! i said everything is fine didn't i?! then why the fuck are you asking me the same thing again and again?!" jimin snapped as yoongi sighed

"look i just-"


"you're right, i'll just go" yoongi said as he quietly but quickly walked out of their apartment.

jimin stormed in his room and closed the door with a loud bang as taehyung and jungkook just stood there, stunned from what had just happened

"wow" jungkook mumbled as taehyung looked at him

"jimin's gonna have to fix that" taehyung said as jungkook nodded.

a/n : is it just me who says stupid things whenever i'm angry and then i regret saying it :)

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