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the next month went by with yoongi balancing his job and finding a job for jimin, yoongi would've offered jimin a job in his own company but he knew his boss wouldn't approve so both the boys kept trying for the younger to find a job.

jimin sighed as he closed the laptop,
"i'm never going to find a job" he exclaimed as he leaned back on his couch and closed his eyes.

"oh come on don't say that, you'll find one" yoongi said as he took a sip of the milk tea.

"how hyung?! there are no openings and the interviews i went to, they all rejected me" jimin said yoongi sighed, not being able to argue any further with the younger.

"jimin! how about trying a different field?" yoongi exclaimed out of the blue as jimin gave him a look.

"a different field?" jimin asked as yoongi nodded and smiled at the younger.

"there's gotta be something else in which you are interested right?" yoongi asked as jimin sat up gaining interest in whatever the older was saying.

"i like dancing and singing a little" jimin said as yoongi snapped his fingers and opened the laptop.

"have you learned dancing or singing?" yoongi asked as jimin nodded proudly

"i've learnt contemporary and hiphop" jimin said as yoongi smiled

"how about we search you a job of a dance instructor then?" yoongi asked as jimin grinned

"i'd love to be a dance instructor!" jimin said as the both smiled and applied jimin to be a dance teacher for a few studios.

"how does your pea sized brain even come up with these ideas?" jimin asked as yoongi rolled his eyes.

"so instead of being thankful you're going to make fun of me?" yoongi asked as jimin laughed and side hugged the older

"thank you hyung!" jimin said as yoongi smiled brightly, the rings of yoongi's phone were heard as jimin turned back and accepted the call on behalf of yoongi.

"hello this is yoongi's boyfriend, we are kind of busy right now" jimin said playfully as yoongi hit him and snatched the phone from him.

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" the voice of a lady could be heard as she yelled and yoongi closed his eyes

"no mom he is just a friend he was joking" on hearing the words 'mom' jimin gasped and held his ears towards yoongi only to recieve a glare from the older.

"you sneaky boy! what's his name? who tops? when is the marriage?!" yoongi's mom asked in an excited tone as yoongi blushed a deep shade of red

"nobody tops because we are not dating mom!" yoongi whined as jimin laughed in the background

the mother and son conversed for a while as jimin just smiled while hearing yoongi's replies to his mom.

after the conversation between the two ended, yoongi disconnected the call and looked back at jimin

"so your parents aren't homophobic?" jimin asked as yoongi nodded

"my mom isn't but my dad is, that's why i was kicked out" yoongi simply said as jimin made an 'O' with his mouth.

"you were kicked out?!" jimin asked in disbelief as yoongi nodded again

"yeah once my dad found out that i was bisexual, he kicked me out saying something like me violating the rules of humanity" yoongi laughed as jimin furrowed his eyebrows

"but my mom is the exact opposite of homophobic though" yoongi said as jimin smiled a little

"so she is homo?" jimin asked as yoongi chuckled and shook his head

"no she isn't but she loves reading gay manga and she's obssesed with gay k-dramas" yoongi said as jimin laughed

"i love your mom" jimin said as yoongi nodded laughing

"when you meet her, you won't be able to tell who is younger, me or her" yoongi said as jimin chuckled

"how about your parents?" yoongi asked

"oh they are completely okay with me being gay" jimin said as smiling as yoongi nodded and smiled

"well that's good then"

a/n : double update bc this story hit 300 :) thank u sm for reading this trash lol smcjsmxms

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