Chapter 5: The Dinner

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Y/N POV: next day..

I got to school with the girls. I'm still in shock how my parents kicked me out of the house. "I'm gonna tell vinnie today" I say walking into the school with the girls. "Gonna tell vinnie what?" A male voice says behind us. We 3 slowly turn around to face Jordan. "nothing" Amiah says. "What do you need to tell him y/n?" Jordan says coming closer to us.

"Nothing, we better get going to class" Loren reply's for me. She graves my hand as we all walk to our lockers. I was looking around and saw Vinnie making out with a girl. Like always, he hooks up with people and then leaves them the day after. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna tell him after school.

"You okay?" Amiah asks. I nod. We all walk our separate ways to our classes.


I was right in front of vinnies house. His car was here. He has a black car, his parents must also be here. "Thank you Loren for dropping me off" I say. "It's all good!! If you need me to pick you up just call me" she says. "Okay thank you" I say smiling. I get out of the car and wave bye to her.

She drives away. "Here goes nothing" I mumble to myself. I go up to there door and ring the door bell. I stand there waiting, until someone opens the door. It was vinnies dad. "Hey! Are you friends of Reggie or vinnie?" He asks. "Hey mr.hacker!! I came to talk to vinnie really quick.." I say. He nods. "His room is upstairs on the left" he says pointing upstairs and smiling.

I nod and walk upstairs, I head to the left and see a door fully closed. I knock. Then the door opens. "What reg- y/n?" He says confused. "hey...can we talk?" I ask. "Why are you here? And talk for what?" Vinnie asks sternly. "I really need to talk to you" I whisper sternly. He rolls his eyes and opens the door so I can come in.

I walk and he closes the door behind me. "So what do you need?" He says sitting on his bed. I sit next to him. " you remember the hookup we had at the party?" I ask. "Which party? I been to like 4 this week" he says. That got me mad. But I played it cool. "Lucas's party, anyways...and now I'm pregnant..with your child.You were the last person I got with so" I say looking at him in the eyes.

He was just staring at the ground. "You're lying right? Haha jokes over, there is no way I got you pregnant! I got with so many girls before and now I got one of them pregnant!?" He yells standing up. "This is great just great" he sarcastically says.

I stand up with him. "When did you find out?!" He says. "A week ago.."

"A week ago?! So for a whole week I didn't know I was a dad..WTF MAN!" He yells again. He punched his wall. I got scared and I backed away a little. He starts pacing around the room back and forth, he was breathing hard.

He then opens his room door and walks out. I just stand there without an emotion. Reggie walks into the room. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod. That is vinnies little brother, he goes to our school. "I heard everything by the way...Congratulations!" He quietly says. I fake smile.

He walks me downstairs. I see vinnie still pacing around the dining table. "Vincent calm down and sit down, what is wrong?!" His mother says. She goes up to vinnie and sees me and Reggie standing next to each other. "Oh Reggie I didn't know you had a girlfriend! Hello sweetie what's your name?" She asks. "We aren't dating" we both say at the same time.

"I'm vinnies....friend. Im y/n.." I say looking at him then back to his mom. His dad then sits down at the dining table with a plate full of food and begins eating. "Join us for dinner" she asks. "That's not a good idea" vinnie says mad. I roll my eyes. "I have no where to go anyways" I mumble to myself that no one can hear. "Vinnie shut up" Reggie says. Vinnie gives him a stern look. "Okay! Thank you" I say.

We all sit down. I was across from vinnie and next to Reggie. "I came here to tell vinnie something, but it actually include you guys" I say. "Just tell them" vinnie says sternly eating his food. "I'm pregnant..with vinnies kid" I say. They were all in shock, but Reggie because he already heard. We stayed in silence for a couple of seconds. "Vincent! What did I tell you?!" His dad yells. He stayed shut.

He clenches his jaw. "to use protection" he quietly says. Reggie looks at me. "Honey calm down!" Mrs.Hacker tells vinnies dad. "Y/n..honey how many months are you?" She asks. "I'm just 3 weeks" I say.

She nods, "did your parents take you to your appointment?" She asks eating her dinner. "No..they un, kicked me out"

She was shock. "Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry!! You can stay here with vinnie. And i will make sure of it." She says. "No no it's okay, I'm staying with my friend Loren" I say. She nods. "If anything we are here for you...and congratulations" she whispers to me. I smile. "I'm not taking care of that baby" vinnie says sternly. Still mad. "What did you say?" His dad says.

"I said~" that's when he gets pushed to the wall by his dad. His dad was holding him by the collar of vinnies shirt. I kind of got scared. "I'm gonna head upstairs" Reggie says graving his plate and heading upstairs.

"You are gonna keep that baby,raise it it's hole life! And you are gonna take care of your baby momma!! I don't care what you say Vincent!! you got yourself into this problem and you're never gonna get out! This is your problem! You are gonna be a teenage dad that's gonna be there for his child! If you like it or not!!" His dad yells at him.

I see vinnies eyes get watery while looking away from his dads eyes. "Look at me"

"I SAID LOOK AT ME!" His dad yells in his face. Vinnie looks into his dads eyes with a clenched jaw. "do you understand?" He asks. "yes sir" vinnie reply's.

His dad sternly let's go of vinnie and vinnie stumbles. He then sits back down across from me. Staring me down. We finally finished dinner quietly.

His parents go into the kitchen talking. Vinnie stares at me. "What's to stare about?" I ask. He ignores me and walks upstairs leaving me by myself at the table. His mom comes up to me. "so I'm gonna book you appointment and vinnie is definitely coming. RIGHT VINNIE?!" She yells since he's upstairs.


"Vinnie what did we talk about?!" His dad speaks up. "I MEAN YES I WILL GO!" He yells from upstairs.

His mom looks back at me and smiles. "There's your answer" I laugh a little. "I'm gonna head back..wait I can't. Can I stay at your place tonight? I don't have a car yet..and my parents kicked me out and my friends asleep, I don't have keys to her house" I ask. "Of course you can!! You can sleep in vinnies room, good night sweetheart" she says. She kisses my forhead and I smile. "Thank you so much mrs hacker!" I say heading upstairs.

I walk in on vinnie laying on his bed facing the ceiling. "Hey" I say closing the door behind me. "What?!"

"I need to crash here tonight" I say. "No! No way"

"What do you mean? Please vinnie I don't have a choice" I say taking my shoes off. "Fine"

"I'm sleeping on the couch" he says walking away bumping into my shoulder. I sigh and turn off the lights. I fall asleep thinking about this long night.

A/N: better and longer chapter😏. Thank you so much for 60+ reads!! Also have y'all watched cobra Kai?!🐍🥋 it's the best show ever bye-

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