Chapted 11: 2 months later

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It's been 2 months since that sleepover with everyone. I never mentioned that text from the faith girl. But, whenever I see vinnie in school he's always smiling at his phone, and I know exactly who it is. He's also not been talking to me as much, but I get that.

Tomorrow in the afternoon I have another doctors appointments. That's where they find out the gender. Vinnies parents are gonna be hosting the gender reveal. I'm really excited to find out the gender. Oh and I also got a car!!

I currently laying in bed while Loren is on FaceTime flirting with Jordan. I don't get what she sees in him honestly. He's such a di**.

I decided to FaceTime Anthony from my laptop. Out of all there little friend group of friends, Anthony will always be my favorite. Coming in second, Kio.

I press the FaceTime button waiting for Anthony to pick up. He finally picks up. "Hey!" I say. "What's up"

"What are you up to?" I say.

"I'm making some pasta for myself, how about you?" He says. "Mmm pasta, sounds good. Anyways, I'm just laying in bed gagging because Loren is flirting with Jordan" I whisper. I look over to Loren and see her laughing at her phone.

I roll my eyes looking back to Anthony. He laughs. "So are you ready for that docters appointment? I really wanna know what's the gender! I literally can't wait." He says. "Me too...." I look down remembering about vinnie and faith.

"Hey, can I tell you something? I've been hiding it for awhile" i say. "Yeah of course, go for it." He says.

I look over to Loren and see her still flirting with Jordan. So she's distracted. "So..the night of the sleepover..I know it's been 2 months already but...when vinnie was asleep I went to turn his phone off and he got a text from a girl named faith..and I think they have a thing going on.." I say.

"'m just gonna be completely honest with you. He likes this girl named faith. They have been talking for the past 2 months and he really wants to ask her out..but me and kio told him not to because he needs to focus on you, I know you guys aren't together but I mean like on the pregnancy part..but whatever choice he makes, me and kio still love you!" He says.

I smile. Anthony is such a great friend. That actually made me feel a lot better. "Thank you Anthony. I love you, I'll talk to you later. I'm gonna head to bed" i say ready to hang up. "Okay I love you too, goodnight"

And with that I hang up the call. I see Loren fast asleep while Jordan kept saying her name. I put my laptop away and go to the phone. "Loren? You there?" He says.

"Shut up" I say. I hang up the phone. I roll my eyes and lay in bed. Falling asleep.


I'm currently getting ready for the appointment. Vinnie said he was gonna pick me up, but since he always picks me up..this time I'm gonna pick him up.

I put my earrings on. This is what I'm wearing:

I don't have a big belly yet but, it's a tiny tiny tiny bump

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I don't have a big belly yet but, it's a tiny tiny tiny bump. I curl my hair and put lip gloss on.

I walk downstairs revealing Loren and Amiah watching a movie. "I'll see you girls later, heading to the appointment"

"Okay, bye!"

I grave my keys and phone and walk out the door. I get into my car texting vinnie I'm on my way.

I drive to his house with music.

Finally I get there I honk the horn.

I see him jog to the car. Opening the other front seat. "Hey" he says. I give him a quick nod as a hi.

We were driving to the appointment until he gets a call. His phone was beside me.

Faith was calling him. My face goes soft. He quickly looks at me snatching his phone. He declines the call and I see him typing.

"Who are you texting?" I ask. "Oh it's just my lab partner" he says.

I nod, knowing he's lying. "I heard that before" I mumble.

"What?" He says giving me a face. "I said I heard that before!" I say giving him attitude. "What's your problem?!" He says. "What's my problem? You literally have been avoiding me. When we went to the other appointments you have been on your phone none stop! Maybe pay a little less attention to your girlfriend, and pay a little more attention to your kids appointments! It's not even born yet and you don't care about it!!" I yell.

He stays there with no emotion. "I love that child to death and it's not even born yet! And..What do you mean by girlfriend? It's just a friend!" He yells back.


He stays quite.

"I just want you to know that the only people I will be carrying about it you and that baby" and that was the last thing he said.

We didn't talk to each other for the rest of the ride and we didn't talk to each other at the appointment.

I had the gender in this envelope. None of us knew though. At the appointment he didn't touch his phone once. Or in the car rides ether.

I drive to his house. Before he gets out I hand him the envelope. He clenches his jaw heading inside.

I bang my head on the starring wheel.

A/N: .......I have no words........

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