Chapter 22: Back fo seattle

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It's the next day, I wake up in vinnies arms. I smile at the thought that we are now dating. I look up at him and smile, he's so beautiful. I realize I've been staring for too long. "Good morning beautiful" he says. I smiled. That's when I get a text from my mom.


Hey, wanna go out for breakfast today? Me,you,Avery,your dad, and lexi?

                   Sure! Lemme wake up these sleepy heads.


"Hey baby, wanna go out for breakfast? With everyone?" I ask. "Sure, lemme take a shower"

As he gets up to pick some clothes, he checks Avery. "She's fast asleep" he says. "Good, I have to change her" I say. As I see vinnie walk out to go take a shower, I get up from the bed trying to find Avery some clothes to wear.

I'm gonna take her a quick shower in the sink downstairs. I finally picked the right outfit.

Then my dad walks into the room. "Good morning sweetheart!" He says. "Morning dad, can you watch the baby really quick while i go brush my teeth?" I ask setting averys clothes in the bed. "Of course!"

I smile, I grab my tooth brush from my luggage.

I go to the bathroom, it was locked meaning vinnie was in the shower. There's a downstairs bathroom but my moms using it. I knock on the door. "Vin can you open up?" I ask.


I stand in front of the door for a few seconds until he opens it, hiding his body on the side of the door. I walk inside, it was steamy. I see him close the door behind him and walk back into the shower, I begin to brush my teeth.


As I finish packing my last things I see vinnie feed Avery some milk before the trip back home. "Ready for the drive?" He asks, as I zip up the luggage. "Yeah, you're driving first"

"Alright let's go" he hands me the baby and I begin to feed her off her bottle. I put a backpack on my shoulders as Vincent grabs the luggage. We walk downstairs, seeing all of our friends here as well. We finally reach the bottom of the stairs. "I don't want you to go vinnie" lexi says with a frown, she hugs vinnie.

"It's okay, you can call me from your iPad!" He says. Her frown then turns into a smile. I smile and shake my head. "It was nice getting to meet you vinnie!" My dad says, as he does that bro hug with vinnie. "It was nice meeting you too Mr. y/l/n!"

Vinnie puts Avery back into her car seat putting blankets over her.I give my mom and lexi and big hug, "I'll call you guys when we arrive" I say. "Alright bye!"

"Bye kids!"

Kio,Jordan,Anthony, Amiah, and Loren follow behind us outside. "Okay we have 2 empty seats, who wants to ride with us?" I ask.

"Me!" Jordan and Loren say at the same time. "Great! Hop in" I say. I see Anthony,Kio, and Amiah wave 'bye' to us and walk into there car that they drove over here with.

Vinnie puts the luggage back into the car in the trunk, as I put Averys car seat in the car , right in the middle. I see Loren and Jordan get into the car with us.

I get into the passenger seat as vinnie gets into the drivers seat. He turns on the car. "You guys ready?" He asks. Jordan puts down his window. "Let's do this thinggg" Loren says. I laugh. Vinnie begins to drive, it was 10 am, so everything was open at the moment. We already ate before we came so we are all good.

I put some music, not to loud due to Avery and we jammed. I kept seeing vinnie giving me looks.


Jordan and Loren were both asleep. I haven't heard Avery cry once, but we've checked on her multiple times. I was falling asleep until the car stopped. I flutter my eyes open to see we are at a gas station. Vinnie had placed his hand on my upper thigh, "hey baby, you awake?" I hear him say. I look at him and nod.

"You want anything?" He asks. "Water and slim jim" I say leaning my head against the window seal.

He nods and gets off the car.


He finally comes back, by now Avery was in my hands and I was feeding her. " is she okay?" Vinnie says setting down the water down and my slim Jim on my lap. "Yeah she's just hungry" I say. Jordan and Loren were both still asleep.

"Just 1 more hour left my love" vinnie says as he begins the car again.


I feel someone tapping me causing me to wake up, "hey y/n, baby, we are here" I hear a voice say. It sounded like vinnie. I see we are parked at our new house. "Finally!" I saw stretching taking off my seatbelt. I see Jordan and Loren taking off there seatbelts as well. "I'll get her off the car~" Jordan says then gets interrupted by beeping behind us from a car.

We all look behind to see kios car. Which means, Kio,Amiah, and Anthony arrived here as well.

"Well I'm guessing where staying over" I hear Loren say. I giggle. We all get off the car, I see Jordan with averys car seat in his hands, i grab my luggage as vinnie grabs his and Averys. Soon Kio, and the others get off the car too.

We start to walk to the front door. "How was the trip?" Kio asks me. "I was sleeping the whole time, but it was good I guess" I reply looking down at the floor. "No I'm talking about texas.." he says.

I look back up to him. "I liked spending time with my sister and parents, I really missed them" by now we finally got to the door as vinnie starts to unlock it. Kio nods. We get into the house.

"This is my first time seeing this house! It's amazing!" Amiah says. Looking around. Vinnie closes the door behind us. "And it smells good" ant says.

" decorated nicely I see!!" Loren says. We laugh. Vinnie comes up to me "go show them around and I'll put the luggage away" he whispers to me. I nod. He plants a soft kiss onto my forehead. Jordan hands me Avery, still admiring the place.

A/N: hey y'all it's addison rae ❤️🥲😭💔🖕🏼😇🥸📉😓😈💀😓🍵🥺😈🤪💍🤨🤨😂🤨😭

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