Chapter 16: The kiss

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I wake up by no one by my side. I look around the room and spot vinnie on the babies side of the room changing Jayde's diaper (OKAY I WANNA CHANGE THE BABIES NAME TO AVERY SO ITS AVERY NOW)

Avery looks very warm, since she's a newborn she has to be warm. She gets cold easily. Vinnie spots me awake, "good morning" he says coming up to me slowly with Avery in his hands. "Morning" I groan. "My parents left to work, and Reggie left to school"

I nod. "Lemme wake up more" i get off the bed heading to the bathroom, I brush my teeth and wash my face. I put my hair in a quick messy bun and go back to the room. Vinnie wasn't there, I'm guessing he was downstairs.

So, I walk downstairs and see Avery in her downstairs rocking crib, asleep, as always, and I saw vinnie making breakfast. "I'm making some eggs and bacon for us" he says.

I was confused, why is he being so nice, making me breakfast is the thing that surprised me. "Okay what's going on?" I ask. "What do you mean?" He smiles putting the eggs on the plate. "Why are you acting kind of different?" I ask. "Fine, I bought a house" he quickly says. I was in shock. Why didn't he tell me this sooner!?

"Wait what?!" I ask. "Yeah, we move in tomorrow" he says. "We?"

"Yeah,me,you, and the baby" he says putting the plate of food in front of me.

"Vinnie why didn't you mention this to me any sooner?! I could of started buying things and knowing about this, telling Loren I'll be leaving her, and getting my stuff packed!" I kind of yell.

The baby started to cry, both me and vinnies attention goes to her. I stand up unbuckling her from her rocking chair bed thingy HAHA.

I start to rock her. "She's hungry damn it"

I give her, her pacifier, for now since I need to talk to vinnie. "Well now you know!" He argues back. His mood changed quick. I kept looking back at him and the baby. Before I can answer the doorbell rings. He goes to the door as I look back trying to see who it is.

"Oh what's up Kio!" I hear. Dont tell me. I get up with Avery in my hands walking to the front door to see Kio, just Kio. "Oh what's up y/n, and baby Avery" he creased averys cheek as he said her name in a baby tone.

"So me and y/n have to talk for a second upstairs so do you mind watching the baby down here?" Vinnie ask. "For sure"

Kio comes in sitting on the couch. "Wanna hold her?"  He asks. Kio nods. Vinnie takes Avery away from my hands slowly handing her to Kio. "We will be back!"

Vinnie and I walk up stairs to his room. I walk in first as he walks in behind me slamming the door shut. "What's your deal?!" I say sternly. He slammed the door...for what?

"WhAts my deal?! You literally are yelling at me because a bought a house! For us!! You should be happy!" He yells back. "Well I'm not happy because you didn't tell me anything! You know how hard it is having a house of your own?! Paying bills almost every month! And my job doesn't pay me enough which means I have to get a new job so I can afford stuff for myself, the baby, and the house bills!"

"just calm down!! I'll pay for everything! I bought the house and you are moving in with me weather you like it, or not!" He yells.

I stayed quiet. We stared at each other madly. Staring at him, every feature, he looked so good. But we just got into a argument so no!

That's when, he quickly leans in and so do I.

We kiss.

I quickly pull apart, "vinnie no we can't do this~" he cuts me off by placing his finger over my lips. "Just enjoy the moment" he whispers. He removes his finger kissing me again. He layed me on the bed, as we were kissing.

I quickly realized what I'm doing. I quickly pull apart. "Vinnie no! We can't do this! We have to focus on the baby! We can't.." I say. He lays next to me. "Why..can't know, be together?" He asks looking at me.

You look at him.

"because...I actually don't know why"

"So, should we give it a shot? I've always liked you. Seeing you in school, you were so beautiful, I really wanted to be with you. Then the party hook up, then us having a kid together and knowing 0 things about each other during the time. And now look where we are.."

I let that all sink in.

"You're gonna have to convince me some more Vincent, on why we should give us a try" I say.

He sits up and so do I.

We stay silent for a couple of seconds.

"Because I'm in love with you"

We stare at each other. HES WHAT?! THE VINNIE HACKER IS IN LOVE WITH ME?! Y/N Y/L/N?!

This has to be fake. He's my baby daddy, I can't let this happen! Or maybe I can..


Before I replied someone interrupts, it was Kio barging in the room with the baby in his hands carefully.

"I think she pooped" he says with a disgusted face.

Way to ruin the moment Kio.

Vinnie rolls his eyes laying back down.

"It's my turn" I say rolling my eyes and getting up.

But I really do like vinnie. I just don't know what to do.


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