Jobs and sick

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"Hey sweety"I stand up
"Are you ready to go to lunch?"she asks as I pack up my stuff
"Yeah let's go"I grab her hand and we walk out and into her car
As I am typing on my computer I can't stop grabbing tissues. I think ness got me sick
"Riker, where's Nicole?"Rocky walks in
"She's at home w-with ness"I almost sneeze and my voice sounds funny
"Are you ok?"he walks in
"Yeah I j-just think ness got me s-sick"I sneeze into a tissue
"Well good luck. Oh and call mrs marano"he reminded me and leaves. I pick up the phone and call ellen
Hello? Ellen?
Oh hey riker what's up?
Well you called?
Oh yes I was just wondering about vanessa is she ok?
Yeah she's uh f-fine
Are you ok?
I'm just feeling a little sick. I think ness got me sick
Oh I'm sorry do you need me to watch Nicole?
Um sure can you pick up Nicole from school tomarrow?
Sure I would love to
Ok thanks bye then
Bye take care
I hang up the phone and sneeze really loud
It is finally 4. I walk out of my office and drive home. When I get home I feel like I'm going to faint
"Babe?"vanessa walks out of the kitchen
"Hey"I barely say
"Are you ok?"she asks and grabs my briefcase
"Yeah I'm fine I just need to sit down"I walk to the table grabbing everything I can for balance. I pull out the chair and collapse in it
"Are you sure your ok?"she takes a seat next to me
"I'm sick"my voice is all scratchy
"No riker, you know the father daughter dance is tomarrow night. Saturday night?"she blurts out
"Yeah I know I know. Where is Nicole anyway?"I try changing the subject
"She's in her room"I nod then stand up attempting to walk to bed. Eventually vanessa has to help me up the stairs
"I hope you feel better. For both yours and Nicole's sake"she shuts the door. I get into my pjs and lay in bed. Then Nicole walks in

"daddy?"she walks in looking scared

"yes? nicole?"i sit up but stay in my blanket. she walks into the room holding a teddy bear

"daddy are you ok?"she sits next to me on the bed

"i may be a little sick but im ok why"i ask

"tomarows valentines day and the father daughter dance"she sets the teddy bear on the bed and leans over to give me a hug

"thanks nicole. ill be there, i promise"i kiss her forehead then she walks out. i lay back down and fall asleep


"ross?"i ask

"yeah?"he asks. we cuddle on his bed while ryland and phoebe watch rachel
"are we ever going to get married?"I look up into his eyes and he smiles thinking its a joke. Then he knows I'm serious
"Of course we are. We're going to move into your parents house and you can teach rachel how to ride a horse. And I can teach our son how to become a man"I give him a weird look
"What you don't think we're going to have more kids?"I blush as he says that
"Maybe. I'm just so excited that were finally starting our life together"I cuddle closer and he tightens his grip around me. Soon we both fall asleep
I lay on my bed in so much pain. Then vanessa walks in
"Hey babe"she whispers as she walks in and takes a seat on the edge of the bed
"Riker, happy Valentine's Day"she smiles at me and I try smiling with all my strength
"The dance is tonight what are you going to do?"she asks and I can see how worried she is
"I'll be better. I promise"I grab her hand and we just sit in silence on the bed. Then Nicole walks in
"Mommy I'm ready for school"she yells then walks out
"I better go take her. I'll be home after work"she was about to kiss me but I stopped her
"Can't you call in sick today?"I smile and she smirks
"Your sick"she states
"You were sick first"she sighs and gets up
This is the day. The day I'm going to ask laura to marry me. I roll over and see laura peacefully sleeping. I carefully get up trying not to wake her but she wakes up anyway
"Sorry did I wake you?"she groans
"No I had to get up anyway. I'm off to work. Don't want to be late on my first day"she rolls out of bed and I smile at the way she looks. She's wearing friends pjs and a messy bun
"So who's getting in the shower first? I have to be at the school by 7"she rubs her eyes and yawns
"Or we could shower together then move your stuff in here"I blurt out
"Wow yeah that could work"then rachel cries
"Ok you get in the shower and I'll take rachel. Then we will switch
"Ok sounds good. After work we will move your stuff"I give her a little kiss then walk into the bathroom to shower
I walk into my room and grab Rachel
"Shhhh mummy's here mummy's here"I rock her back and forth and bounce up and down. As I am rocking rachel someone knocks on the door. I turn around and see Rocky
"Oh hey did rachel wake you?"I ask and he nods
"We do share a wall"he snaps back obviously tired
"Yeah well rachel and I are moving into ross room so you won't hear her as much"u smile and he sighs of relief
"All right I better get ready for work. Hey by the way who's going to watch rachel?"he quickly asks
"Stormie is"he smiles then leaves. I carry rachel into ross room and wait for ross to be done showering. Then the water shuts off. I set rachel down on the floor then sneak into the bathroom. Ross back is to me so I jump on it
"Oh hey babe"he grabs my arms to make sure I don't fall
"Can I get in the shower now?"I ask putting my chin in his shoulder
"Yeah I guess but I have to get dressed"I jump off his back and he turns around. I stare at his abs in aw
"You like what you see?"I hear him ask and I nod. Then he smirks and leaves. I turn the shower on and get in
"Hi baby daddy's here"I get dressed and pick her up
"Grandma is going to watch you today"I talk in a baby voice then turn the tv on waiting for laura to be done
I turn the water off and get out. I look in the mirror and see a note taped to the mirror. I rip it off and open it
I'll love you forever. Tonight I am going to take you out to eat because I have something to tell you and it's really big.
1 thing
2 do
3 words
4 you
I love you
I smile and get dresse the walk out to see ross and Rachel cuddling on his bed
"Happy Valentin's day"I smile and so does he
"Well I better get to work"he stands up. We walk downstairs hand in hand
"Hey guys"stormie greets us
"Hey we have to go. Can you watch rachel today?"I ask her
"Of course"I smile then we walk out. I drive ross to work
"Bye I'll see you tonight"he smiles and I peck his lips then I drive to the school
"Morning mrs marano"the secretary greets me
"Morning"i greet back
"So the students have had a sub for about 2 weeks because it's only the 2nd week of school"she explains and I nod. I walk to my classroom and get my stuff out. Soon kids start walking in
"Good morning class"I start "my name is mrs marano and I will be your teacher this year"all the kids stare at me. Then one raises her hand
"What are we going to learn today mrs marano?"she asks grabbing a pencil. I look around and see a bunch of guys roll their eyes at her. I look at her with her hair in a braid and wearing boots with a plaid shirt. Then I realize. She's me
"Um well we are going to learn about the revolutionary war"I clap my hands
"So does anyone know anything about the revolutionary war?"just then a bunch of hands shoot up. This is going to be good
Vanessa isn't home yet so I sit up. I sit on the edge of the bed for a little bit then stand up and walk downstairs into the kitchen. Just then vanessa walks in
"Riker, your up. You feeling better?"I hire a cracker and nod
"That's good"she kisses my cheek
"Yeah now I can go to the dance"I smile
"What are you going to do while I'm gone?"I ask her
"Well I thought I would just hang out here for a while"I glare at her
"No how about after the dance I drop Nicole off at my moms house?"I pull her closer
"Can't wait"we kiss again then we hear a horn. Vanessa walks outside to get Nicole from the bus. Then they both walk back inside
"Daddy!"once she sees me she runs to me and hugs my legs. I pick her up so I could hug her
So I am currently writing another story so if you could read that I would appreciate it. It's called best friends. I got the inspiration from titanic because
"I love love" ~Ally Dawson
Anyway I really do love love. I hope you will read it. It will give you major feels. I seriously have to stop writing it just so I don't explode over so many feelings

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